Caring for Farmers’ Mental Health, Lecturers of FK IPB University Do Community Service in Two Villages

Caring for Farmers’ Mental Health, Lecturers of FK IPB University Do Community Service in Two Villages

Peduli Kesehatan Mental Petani, Dosen FK IPB University Lakukan Pengabdian di Dua Desa

Lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) IPB University who are members of the National Collaborative Research (RKI) team conducted community service activities in two villages namely Bugel Village, Panjatan District, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta and Sawahan Village, Ngemplak District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java. This activity is a concrete manifestation of the lecturers’ duties in the tri dharma of higher education to improve the physical and mental welfare of the community.

The RKI team consists of Dr Mira Dewi, Dr Yusuf Riyadi and two other lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta and the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

The research, which is integrated with community service activities, is an effort to educate farming communities with the theme of Nutrition and Mental Health of Farming Families,” said Dr Mira on 20/03.

She revealed that the title of the research was Prevalence of Burnout and Diet Quality among Farmers in Indonesia. “This research can increase awareness of the dangers of burnout and tips to overcome it. In addition, it also increases farmers’ understanding of a healthy diet so as to improve physical and mental health,” she explained.

Dr Mira said the event was attended by 12 participants consisting of fishermen in Bugel Beach located in Panjatan Sub-district, Kulon Progo Regency and 12 people consisting of farmers, breeders and fish farmers in Sawahan Village, Ngemplak Sub-district, Boyolali Regency. The participants welcomed the programme enthusiastically.

“This community service activity does not only provide insights related to diet and stress levels in farmers, breeders and fishermen. The results of the research are intended to be the basis for the preparation of programmes in overcoming and preventing burnout in farmers,” explained Dr Mira.

She revealed that the research team also distributed leaflets of healthy mental tips compiled by IPB University FK Lecturer, Dr Riati SpKJ. “These tips include increasing worship activities, eating healthy and regular meals, regular exercise, adequate sleep, relaxation, and time management. The leaflet was made quite relevant to farmers’ sleep and exercise patterns. (MW/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)