In the Spirit of Introducing Indonesian to the International Arena, IPB University Students Collaborate with Our Language

In the Spirit of Introducing Indonesian to the International Arena, IPB University Students Collaborate with Our Language


IPB University students who are members of Pondok Inspiration have the opportunity to join the Global Indonesian Language project. This project has the main goal of dignifying Indonesian in the country and in the global arena through articles, audio, and Indonesian writing classes for foreign speakers.
It is hoped that this opportunity for collaboration between IPB University Students and Our Language will make Indonesian more known and loved by foreign citizens around the world, not only by Indonesian citizens.
The collaboration began with a meeting last January with Wieke Gur (Founder of Our Language), foreign speaker Greg Johnson (Chairman Steel Blue Boots and author of the Anthology of Travel Stories), Mohammad As'ad (President Commissioner of Drilchem), Rico Juni Artanto ( The Inspirational Pondok Founders), Hendro Fujiono and Tanti Mantily (Inspirational Pondok Trustees), as well as five IPB University students who attended.
"Hearing various versions of other people's stories in Indonesian, made me realize that in fact Indonesian is very extraordinary. I feel proud to be a part of the project to introduce Indonesian to foreigners. Despite the fact that I made Indonesian articles (for foreign speakers), which Basically, it can be more draining than writing for Indonesians themselves," said Aziz, an IPB University student who contributed to writing articles in Our Language.
During the process of his journey, he continued, now the project has been running for more than three months by producing several excellent programs that are already running. Among them are writing articles and learning audio, workshops and reviewing articles, Indonesian Language classes for Foreign Speakers (BIPA), managing our Language applications, websites, mobile applications and social media.
"In an effort to expand relations in project implementation, IPB University students who are members of Pondok Inspiration with Bahasa Kita also invite several parties from institutions and communities to work together in realizing these ideals. One of them is through the Global Indonesian Language Soft Launching activity for the Parakawan Consortium," he added.
At the soft launch, he added, the institutions or communities that were present included Pondok Inspiration, Our Language, Everidea Education, Maxima Indonesia, ThinkHalf, Indonesian Social Impact, and PH Bermakna.

According to him, the meeting discussed strategic steps that could be taken to introduce Indonesian to the world from each of the institutions or communities that were present.
“Obviously Everidea is very wide open to collaborating with this project. We can invite friends who have joined Everidea. Especially for our beneficiaries who have an interest in writing to contribute," said Tama Account Executive Everidea Education.
In addition, Hendro Fujiono as Pondok Inspiration's supervisor and liaison for foreign speakers from Australia added that in the future this collaboration will continue by sharing roles with each other, providing mutual support in realizing the aspirations of the Indonesian Language project going global.
Fuji also has a strong determination and ideas for young people, especially IPB University students who are members of this project, to be connected with internship opportunities in prestigious companies in Australia. (*/Zul) (IAAS/AMR)