This is How FMSC IPB University Introduces the Role of Millennial Generation in Social Forestry

This is How FMSC IPB University Introduces the Role of Millennial Generation in Social Forestry

Student Insight EN

Forest Management Students' Club (FMSC) holds a NEST (National Environmental and Social Talk) event. NEST is one of the routine programs held by FMSC IPB University. Previously, similar activities had also been carried out under the name of the National Seminar on Forest Management in 2017 and 2018.

The series of NEST activities include national expeditions, essay contests and national seminars. At this national seminar the report on the results of the expedition was delivered by the Forest Management Student, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University. The national seminar that was held on Friday (28/11) took place in the Forest Room IIIB, Manggala Wanabakti, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta. The theme discussed at this seminar was the Collaboration of the Parties in Strengthening Social Forestry Enterprises in Forest Control Areas.

The national seminar was attended by Fajar Sumantri from the North Kotaagung Consortium, Ahmad Sudarwan from the Tanggamus Community Forest (HKm), Warsito from the Collaborative House, and Diki Setiadi from the Forest Management Expedition Team in 2019. On this occasion the expedition team presented the expedition results about the strategy and challenges community forest management in Tanggamus district, Lampung Province. The expedition activity took place on July 31 to August 8 last.

Meanwhile, the essay contest was participated by 33 teams from seven provinces in Indonesia. The theme of the essay contest this time is "The Role of Millennial Generation in Social Forestry Development". The teams that were invited to take part in the final were 12 teams which were won by Universitas Brawijaya as the first winner, IPB University as the second winner and the third winner. (NR)


keyword: IPB students, FMSC IPB, NEST IPB, social forestry