Science Techno Park IPB University Ready to Bring Together Innovators and Industries to Produce Products Ready for Use

Science Techno Park IPB University Ready to Bring Together Innovators and Industries to Produce Products Ready for Use


On an area of 3.46 hectares in the Taman Kencana Campus area, Bogor, IPB University built the Science Techno Park (STP) in 2015. As the most innovative campus and recipient of Widyapadhi awards, IPB University made STP a place to conduct research, development and incubation business and technology transfer in order to develop and encourage sustainable economic growth.

"STP is an intermediary institution that bridges universities with industry or society in transforming research or invention results into successful and value-added innovations," said Director of STP IPB University, Dr. Rokhani Hasbullah in Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Strengthening Business Plans and STP Governance which was held at the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Building in the STP Area, Taman Kencana Campus, Bogor (7/8).

The FGD was attended by representatives from the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Director of Finance and Accounting, Dr. Indah Yuliasih, Director of Innovation and Intellectual Property, Dr. Syarifah Iis Aisyah, Director of Planning and Development, Dr. Hari Wijayanto, Director of Information and Transformation Systems Digital, Ir Julio Adi Santoso, M.Kom, Heads of the Science and Technology Center (PUI), heads of Departments from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and the accompanying team from Ristekdikti namely Iwan Iwut, Hary Yusron, Karlin and The word. This FGD discusses the management of inventions or technology into innovation.

STP IPB University itself provides services in the form of technical services (training, demonstration, technical consultation, business information), technology development (technology design, prototype, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management, technology transfer office, business incubation (technology support, business management, promotion and marketing, financial facilitation) and supporting services (industrial production and printing, research and development (R&D) services, label design & packaging, office space, conference/seminar rooms).

"R&D services for the industry include laboratory analysis services and pre-clinical testing, commercially ready research, networking with industry, and research collaboration," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the Vice Chancellor for Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Erika B. Laconi, at the beginning of its formation, STP was under the management of PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST) as a holding company owned by IPB University.

"In January 2019, the STP merged with the Center for Business Incubator and Entrepreneurship Development (incuBie) to become the Directorate of Technology Science and Business Incubator (KSTIB) or known as STP IPB University under the coordination of the Vice Chancellor for Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship based on Regulations MWA Number 1/IT3.MWA/OT/2019," said Prof. Erika. (RYS)