Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Nutritional Balance at NIACIN 2018

Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Nutritional Balance at NIACIN 2018


Multiple nutrition problems are situations where excess and malnutrition occur at the same time at the individual, community, or group level. Indonesia is one of the countries affected by this problem. Its prevention is by maintaining our nutritional balance. The Nutrition Seminar and Charity for Children (NIACIN) which was held at Graha Widya Wisuda (GWW), Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor (07/10) offered knowledge about multiple nutrition problems and its prevention.

This seminar was the main activity of the 8th Nutrition Fair. This event was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc as Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema), Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto from the Division of Food and Nutrition Policy, Dr. Naufal Muharam Nurdin, MSi as the Alumni and Student Relations Commission. Several artists such as Muhammad Ridwan "Ridwan Remin", the Overtunes, and the child performers from SDN Carang Pulang 2 also participated in the event.

Nutrition Fair which was organized by the Nutrition Science Student Association (Himagizi) had six events, including Nutrition in Application (Nut App), Creativity in Infographic (Creatin), Nutrition Debating Competition (NDC), Crafting Special Recipe (Crispy), Physical Activity for Healthy Living (Prolin), and Nutrition Seminar and Charity for Children (NIACIN).

"There are two updates to this event, namely the emergence of the Nut App and NDC," said Dimi Wahyu F., Chair of Himagizi for the 2017/2018 period.

Indonesia, according to the Global Nutrition Report 2017, is one of 17 countries that have multiple nutritional problems. Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto, who currently serves as Vice Rector of IPB for Education and Student Affairs, said that Indonesia still has hope to improve its nutritional condition. One of them is by holding this seminar. "Hopefully from this seminar we can solve the problems of multiple nutrition in Indonesia," he said.

According to the General Chair of the Indonesian Nutrition Association (PERSAGI), the first thousand days of life (HPK) are important in preventing multiple nutritional problems. Fetal health will affect life to old age. The fatal impacts of nutritional problems make the pregnant women being advised to always maintain the health of their children since they are still in the womb.

Meanwhile, according to Galopong Sianturi, the Head of the Ministry of Health's Nutrition Awareness Subdirectorate, combating multiple nutrition is a human rights issue (HAM). This is the reason why the government encourages the Society Movement for Healthy Living (Germas). The program invites the public to have a healthy lifestyle by increasing physical activity, implementing clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS), maintaining environmental quality, improving nutrition knowledge, checking for disease detection periodically, and eating enough fruits and vegetables.

Besides that, according to Dr. Rimbawan, IPB nutrition expert, half of our plates should be vegetables. Indonesian people generally consume fruits and vegetables under the recommended portion. They usually eat 150 grams of fruit and 250 grams of vegetables, whereas it should be 400 grams.

There are several ways to maintain nutritional balance in the body. Suitable diet and physical activity is one of them. Of course, choosing the right type of exercise should not be carelessly.

Mury Kuswari, S.Pd, Chairperson of the Indonesian Nutritionists, Sports and Fitness Association, suggested to choose the preferred sport. In addition to being our favorite, it must be adjusted to the condition of our body so it is not too heavy or light. Diet and physical activity do not always guarantee nutritional balance. Holistic arrangements are also needed to maintain the body.

"Just relying on diet and physical activity is not enough," said Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardinsyah, MS as General Chair of the Indonesian Food Nutrition Association. The arrangements consist of sleep management, stress management, hormone management, observing body components, maintaining neighborhood, diet pattern, and physical activity. (RP/Zul/ZSP)