Fortendik Hopes IPB’s Leaders Council Assign The Legality of Its Organization Establishment

Fortendik Hopes IPB’s Leaders Council Assign The Legality of Its Organization Establishment


Forum of Teaching Staff of Bogor Agricultural University (Fortendik IPB) hopes Rector of IPB assigns the legality of Fortendik organization through the Rector’s Letter of Decree (SK). This was conveyed by Chairman of Fortendik IPB, Sofyan, S.Si., M.Si., during Inaugural Meeting and Silaturahmi of Fortendik IPB Committees Period 2018-2020, Tuesday (16/10) at IPB Dramaga Campus.

“I hope Rector of IPB will issue the SK of Fortendik IPB as legal protection for our activities. The Chief of Fortendik IPB’s Chairman Selection, Ir. Setyo Edy Susanto, S.Th.I., M.Pd., has sent a letter to the Rector and it is currently in disposition stage at Vice Rector. Hopefully in very near future the SK will be issued. We hope IPB’s Leaders Council also facilitates Fortendik IPB activities by providing a room as the organization’s secretariat for the ease of internal and external communication of the organization,” said Sofyan.

Furthermore, Sofyan stated, Fortendik IPB will synergize with various working units in IPB to help strive for increasing the capacity, performance and welfare of IPB’s teaching staff. “We will conduct advanced meeting to identify the problems and to collect the suggestions from Tendik IPB. We also restart studying the possible judicial review probability of performance allowance for teaching staff in Legal Entity State Universities (PTN BH) to The Supreme Court (MA). Surely this will be communicated constantly with the Joint Secretariat of PTN BH,” explained Sofyan. (qa)