IPB Student Regiment Forms Tough Generation in State Defense Education

IPB Student Regiment Forms Tough Generation in State Defense Education


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Student Regiment (Menwa) carries out the National Education Program for Academic Year 2017-2018.

This time the National Education Program which was held for ten days was attended by 32 participants who were students of the Production Technology and Agricultural Community Development Study Program, various generations of IPB Vocational Schools. The closing ceremony of the State Defense Education was held at the Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor (7/8)

IPB Student Regiment Supervisor, Prof. Sumardjo, when he became the inspector of the ceremony, said that this State Defense Education was needed not only to read but to practice immediately. Character building needs to be practiced.

"With practice there will be personality traits of future leaders of the nation. This State Defense Education has the potential to form a country-loving agricultural student. Forming tough and disciplined students because they have gotten excited by competent people. "With the education of defending the country, students become more loving of the homeland and form a person with a strong mentality," said Prof. Sumardjo.

IPB's Menwa Operations Section, Ayu F.R, said that in this education participants were provided with tri dharma of higher education, proxy war, national insights, national insights, and youth leadership.

"They were trained by trainers imported directly from Garuda Yonif Battalion 315, Menwa assistants and trainers. In addition, as in the education of student regiments, in the education of defense of this country also the participants were invited to march from Taman Sari to Gunung Bunder, Ciampea, “explained Ayu. (jhn)