These are Tips to Keep Ideal Weight During Fasting Month from Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine IPB University

These are Tips to Keep Ideal Weight During Fasting Month from Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine IPB University

Ini Tips Jaga Berat Badan Tetap Ideal Selama Bulan Puasa dari Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran IPB University

Fasting also provides benefits and good effects on the body. However, maintaining an ideal weight during the fasting month of Ramadan is a challenge for some people. Are you one of them?

Well, with these tips, you can maintain your weight balance while fasting. IPB University Faculty of Medicine lecturer, Dr Christy Efiyanti, SpPD, has tips on how to maintain an ideal weight during Ramadan fasting.

“Avoid foods or snacks high in salt, sugar, and fat and do not overeat when breaking the fast. Try to consume more fruits and vegetables, foods high in protein and choose complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates,” said the doctor specialising in internal medicine.

She explained that foods high in salt are found in preserved foods and processed foods, foods high in sugar are found in packaged drinks, and foods high in fat are found in processed foods or fast food.

Dr Christy also mentioned the importance of exercising during the fasting month to maintain ideal body weight. Exercise can be done for 30 minutes in the form of light exercise such as jogging, sit-ups, brisk walking, and going up and down stairs.

“Make sure you get enough rest. Lack of sleep causes an increase in hormones that trigger weight gain and metabolic disorders,” she said.

In addition, diet during fasting must also be considered. Calorie intake needs to be regulated so as not to be excessive, water consumption should be 2 litres/day, and increase the consumption of protein and fibre.

“Of course, the menu is high in protein and fibre. Serve side dishes such as tofu, tempeh, lean meat and fish. Vegetables and fruits should also be served at every meal at suhoor and iftar. Choose complex carbohydrates such as tubers, brown rice, potatoes, and corn,” said Dr Christy when asked what menu combinations are good to consume while fasting.

When fasting until after fasting, it is necessary to make adjustments to the food that enters the body. dr Christy advises to maintain consistency in consuming food during sahur, iftar, until the feast day arrives, namely maintaining a diet low in sugar, salt and fat.

“During Eid, we tend to eat high-fat and high-sugar foods such as chicken opor, rendang, curry, satay, and various sweet drinks that are served,” she said.

“We should maintain our diet, especially trans fat, which is fat derived from unsaturated fat. This type of fat can increase bad cholesterol in the body and is harmful to heart health,” he explained. (Rani/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)