A total of 260 lecturers from IPB University Participate in International Certiport Competency Certification

A total of 260 lecturers from IPB University Participate in International Certiport Competency Certification

Sebanyak 260 Dosen IPB University Ikuti Sertifikasi Kompetensi International Certiport

The Leadership and Executive Education Institute (LKPE) of IPB University, in collaboration with the Directorate of Human Resources (SDM), has partnered with ITC Certiport to organize international competency certification. The event was attended by 260 lecturers from the IPB University community and took place at the Vocational School Laboratory and the IPB University Computer Laboratory, some time ago.

Dr Pria Sembada, the Vice Head of LKPE at IPB University in charge of Certification and Competency, stated that the aim of this activity is to encourage lecturers to have internationally recognized competency certifications.

“This certification also contributes to the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 4 of IPB University, as determined by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). Additionally, we hope that this program can grow to a higher level. So, every year, with the principle of lifelong learning, lecturers will receive excellent materials and have their abilities acknowledged,” explained Pria.

Furthermore, LKPE, along with the Directorate of HR, is committed to continuing this program, and there will be a second batch of international competency certification exams. The hope is to have even more lecturers register and participate in this activity to make a significant contribution towards achieving the competency certification goals for the IPB University community.

Prof Bambang Purwantara, the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of IPB University, was also present at the event as a certification participant. He expressed his enthusiasm for taking part in the examination.

“This has been an extraordinary experience. Hopefully, this pattern can be continued on a broader scale, and I believe we can strengthen KPI 4, so that IPB University can achieve even better performance for the KPI,” said Prof Bambang.

The competency certifications attended by the lecturers include Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE), Project Management Institute (PMI), Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB), and Communication Skill for Business (CSB/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)