TNC IPB Collaborates with BRI Work AgroHub to Hold KonsulTani Programme for Farmers and Fishermen

TNC IPB Collaborates with BRI Work AgroHub to Hold KonsulTani Programme for Farmers and Fishermen

TNC IPB Kolaborasi dengan BRI Work AgroHub Adakan Program KonsulTani untuk Petani dan Nelayan

The Farmer and Fisherman Center (TNC) IPB University together with BRI Work Agro Hub IPB implemented the KonsulTani programme on Thursday, 25/4 at the BRI Work Building, Jalan Raya Dramaga, Bogor. KonsulTani is a programme initiated by TNC IPB University as a means of meeting between farmers, breeders and fishermen to be able to consult directly with the IPB Digitani Expert Council for free.

Luna Lukvitasari, S.Si., M.Si as Chief of Cooperation and Public Relations Division of TNC IPB University said that KonsulTani activities are held regularly every month with different themes. “In April, this activity was held with a focus on agriculture, fisheries and marine issues,” said Luna.

“KonsulTani is described as a Plant Clinic facility by presenting ‘doctors’ in agriculture and fisheries who come from lecturers or experts at IPB University. This activity can be followed by the entire community, especially BRI Work Agro Hub members. Participants can consult for free and be answered directly by experts from IPB University,” said Luna.

The first session was delivered by Bonjok Istiaji, S.P., M.Si, a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. On this occasion, various questions arose regarding the right control solutions for the cultivation of green vegetables, crystal guava, corn and other horticultural crops.

“The participants who attended the agricultural session were very active and enthusiastic in asking about various problems in their fields. In fact, the time given by the committee was not enough or satisfied,” said Hadi, one of the KonsulTani participants.

The second session was delivered by Dr Roza Yusfiandayani, as the Vice Chairman of TNC IPB University as well as an expert in the field of fisheries at IPB University. “The discussion from the second session resulted in an idea to create a Fishery Camp in one of the aquaculture ponds in Tenjolaya, Bogor Regency. Visitors can directly feed, harvest and eat fish together directly at the location,” said Dr Roza.

“Start Up can collaborate with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) of other countries to place business people and provide facilities and ease in exporting their products,” said Dr Roza, as an expert in fisheries at IPB University.

She hopes that this activity can encourage TNC IPB University to further expand its role in disseminating information and innovations from IPB University to all Indonesian people. (IAAS/RUM)