Lecturer Serves IPB University Teaches Sukawening Residents to Avoid Fintech and Make Soap from Used Cooking Oil

Lecturer Serves IPB University Teaches Sukawening Residents to Avoid Fintech and Make Soap from Used Cooking Oil


The Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of IPB University through the activities of the Dedicated Lecturers sent three of its lecturers as one of the efforts to increase the knowledge of village communities around the campus of IPB University, especially Sukawening Village. The activity carried out at the Sukawening Village Office (30/11) was attended by 48 Sukaweing residents and residents from Jakarta or Tangerang.

The three lecturers are Setyardi Praktika Mulya, SP, MSi, from the Department of Soil and Land Resources of the Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta), Ali Mutasowifin, SE, MAk, from the Manajamen Department of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) and Dr. Dyah Wulandani from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Biosystem of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta).

In his presentation, Setyardi conveyed the potential of Sukawening Village. According to him, in terms of spatial planning, Sukawening Village has the potential to be developed better. Existing physical resources can be developed into things of high value.

“All members of the community certainly want their village to advance. One effort to advance the village is effort. Efforts can be made by each party. For example, the marketing of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) units must be further improved, potential agricultural and livestock units are tried to start developing derivative products from each of the existing products so that their value is more stable,” he said.

Responding to that, the Chairman of Sukawening Bumdes, Reksi also revealed that so far the spatial plan in Sukawening Village has been mapped into four hamlet-based clusters. One hamlet is mapped for community service units, two hamlets for MSMEs one of which is shoes and sandals MSMEs that are currently running, three hamlets for agriculture and four hamlets for animal husbandry.

Meanwhile, Ali Mutasowifin explained about the education of borrowing money in the modern era. According to him, in an era like now, the community must be equipped with knowledge, one of which is about online lending, which is now more and more available in the community. Sukawening villagers should not be tempted by the easy mechanism of lending money either online through the application or directly to a mobile bank.

Then Dr. Dyah Wulandani explained about making biodiesel and soap from used cooking oil. Waste cooking oil from household activities or business residues from some communities must not be consumed continuously and must not be discarded immediately, because it can endanger the environment because it is difficult to decompose.

“Used cooking oil can be processed into biodiesel or soap. It is hoped that the manufacture of products from this waste will be wiser. Not only for yourself but also for the environment,” he added.

According to Dislan, Chairman of RW 03 Sukawening Village, the existence of this activity is very good for providing knowledge to the community, especially mothers who used to cook. “This activity can make women aware that the use of used cooking oil for households must be limited so that one day they will not cause negative health impacts. Likewise with the environment, do not let because of used cooking oil, our environment is damaged,” he said.

In his remarks, Sabiludin, Sukawening Village Secretary hopes that this activity will continue so that it can benefit the community. (NR)

Keyword: Serving Lecturer, Used Cooking Oil Soap, Fintech, LPPM IPB University