Kahiyang Ayu, Graduated with Cumlaude Predicate at IPB University School of Business

Kahiyang Ayu, Graduated with Cumlaude Predicate at IPB University School of Business


The daughter of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo, Kahiyang Ayu attended the graduation procession at IPB University (25/9). Kahiyang successfully completed her master’s study (S2) at IPB University’s School of Business for 23 months and graduated with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.90 by earning the title of Praise (Cumlaude). The 7th daughter of the Republic of Indonesia President conducted a thesis research entitled Title Analysis of Sugar Cane Plantation Strategy and Competitiveness (Case Study of PTPN X Surabaya).

Kahiyang Ayu said that she was happy to attend the graduation today. Kahiyang advised, “For the younger generation, never stop to study and there is no age limit for learning.”

During the final assignment, Kahiyang Ayu was guided by two supervisors including Dr. Ir Arief Daryanto, MEc and Dr. Drs Hendro Sasongko, MM. Dr Arief Daryanto stated, “Kahiyang Ayu that I know is a student who has creativity and high commitment, on time in completing the tasks given with very good quality. Besides that, he is easy to socialize with various parties during his S2 education program. As a child of the President, he did not want to be privileged. He wants to be understated like other students on his campus. ”

Dr Arief Daryanto also explained that during the thesis guidance process, Kahiyang Ayu was among the students who were not too troublesome. He chose a topic that is very relevant to the portfolio of his study program, namely the analysis of the competitiveness of one of PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) which operates in the sugar cane and sugar business in East Java. Kahiyang’s hard work produced results shown with a GPA of 3.90 (With Praise, Cum Laude). He also completed his studies on time, which was 23 months.

As a supervisor, Dr. Ir Arief Daryanto advised, “For Kahiyang, you should continue to study, stick to the principles of lifelong education. Lifelong education is becoming increasingly important at this time because humans must constantly be able to adjust in order to remain competitive and have high resilience in the midst of an ever-changing society. ”

The Graduation Phase I of Academic Year 2019/2020 was attended by 803 graduates consisting of 693 graduates of the Bachelor Program, 94 graduates of the Masters Program, 14 graduates of the Doctoral Program, and 2 graduates of the Veterinary Education Program.

The Chancellor of IPB University, Dr. Arif Satria said the message I gave at this graduation ceremony was how to prepare a new generation of adaptive IPB and become a trendsetter of change. “Alumni of IPB must have a variety of skills such as communication, creativity, complex problem solving and the ability to collaborate and most importantly have integrity.

Dr Arif added, “Three things that can make IPB sustainable are integrity, innovation and inspiration. IPB has been able to survive because of strong integrity, the ability to produce strong innovations and those innovations can inspire others. ”

Related to the graduation of Kahiyang Ayu, Dr. Arif stated, “Of course this is good news for the president and also families whose children complete their S2 education at IPB University”. Dr. Arif Satria advised, “Hopefully the knowledge gained at IPB University can have an important role in society later”. (AVR)