Halal Bi Halal Moment a Splendor of Blue, Welcoming the Grand Launching of IPB University

Halal Bi Halal Moment a Splendor of Blue, Welcoming the Grand Launching of IPB University


IPB University held a Halal bi Halal 144o H at IPB University Campus, Dramaga, Bogor, Monday (10/6). The atmosphere of the event was colored blue as the dresscode worn by those who attended the event. This was in order to celebrate the Grand Launching of IPB University’s new name.

The rector of IPB University, Dr. Arif Satria in his speech titled “Eid al Fitr, Character Development, and Transformation of the Nation” conveyed that on that pure day we should contempelate on the words of Rasulallah SAW. “There are three characters that signify the people of Muhammad SAW which are first, a family-like relationship with all people even to those whom you dislike. Second, help anyone even those who have never helped you before. Third, forgive others even if they have ever wronged you. Islam knows no revenge. The Muslim people who have been educated through the school of Ramadhan must be capable of carrying out the duty of developing a better civilization.” Pak Arif conveyed.

Furthermore, the Rector explained that Ramadhan is an educational media for us to become the best versions of ourselves. This is due to the fact that Ramadhan teaches us various values such as honesty, discipline, humbleness, sincerity, patience, and hard working. “ These six characters are also multidimensional which are the personal dimension, interpersonal, institutional, and communal. The dynamics of change above are to complete our status as people of faith as so the goal of Ramadhan goes,” continued Pak Arif.

During this Halal bi Halal event the General Director of the Board of Directors of Central Muhammadiyah, Dr. KH Haedar Nashir was present. Within his speech, Haedar Nashir conveyed that “Halal bi halal is an event for strengthening our bonds with one another. Ramadhan’s Fast that is practiced during one full month is to train us to hold ourselves back from worldly desires. During this Fitri (pure) moment it is expected for all Muslims to bring benefits to one another and spread welfare. Hopefully this campus will be able to create a generation of khoiru ummah, which means building a civilization of the best people,” he said.

Haedar Nashir explained that Islam prohibits gluttony. Eat as you must, drink as you must, but do not be gluttoness. Many people are focused on chasing worldly desires, this leads people to be gluttoness and drives them to achieve their goals through any way possible, to take actions that are outside of religious boundaries. “How many times have we met the fast of Ramadhan? Th real question is, has fasting during Ramadhan actually changed our bad traits into good?” he asked.

The board of directors and members of Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA), Academic Senate (SA), Board of Professors (DGB), vice rector, Institute Secretary (SI), head of institution, deans, vice deans, head of office, directors, head of central office, head of departments, lecturers, academic staff, and students of IPB University and cooperating parnters  were also present during this event.

During this event, SIMWUR (World Class University Management and Information System) was launched, a portal which all its working units in the IPB University environment are capable of inputting in a routine manner on inbound and outbound data of lecturers, academic staff and students, and data for estimated foreign guest visits.

Not only SIMWUR, during this historical moment the launching of the IPB Innovation Mobile app, an interactive mobile application as a promotion facility for IPB’s innovations and for communication between IPB innovators with their user candidates or business partner candidates. Through this application it is expected that IPB can widen their promotion range and innovations marketing to improve their shift in technology and commercialization of IPB’s innovations.

On this occasion the Rector of IPB University IPB called on its citizens to open an account at the Islamic Rural Bank (BPRS) Botani which is a financial services unit under IPB University's holding company, PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST). With the invitation "Let's Save at Your Own Bank", PT BPRS Bina Rahmah invited IPB University residents to utilize their own financial institutions in order to help capital business.

The Halal bi Halal program was also enlivened by the melodious songs of religious songs presented by the IPB University Choir "Agria Melodia" and the appearance of the Angklung Agrianita Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM). Even the Rector of IPB University also contributed two songs, each titled "Father's Story" and "I Pray". (AVR)