IPB Physics’ Students Introduces Physics to High School Students

IPB Physics’ Students Introduces Physics to High School Students


Student Association of Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (FMIPA IPB) organized an introduction series of Department of Physics to students in West Java named “Physics Expo”. This 6th Physics Expo event was held on September 14th – 16th2018 at IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

This year Physics Expo activity brought the theme “Understanding Physics for Future Technology”. That theme has aim to introduce that physics is not an exact science that difficult to be understood by common people. Besides, physics is an essential applied science for technology development.

“We as physics’ students wants to introduce that creating sophisticated technology can be done through physics. It is because basically all technology comes from physicist’s researches,” said Nurdiansyah, Chief Executive of Physics Expo 2018. He gave an example of the now existed computer came from the development of semiconductor technology which was developed by physicist. So are the internet which came from acceleration particle research, also nanotechnology development which basically came from quantum physics.

Different with previous Physics Expo, this Physics Expo event consisted of several activities series, those are Physics Champion, paper competition, robotic challenge, physics camp, workshop, physics talk, and techno expo. The participants are High School (SMA) students from West Java and Jabodetabek, also college students from various universities.

In the competitions such as physics champion and paper competition, high school students were invited to develop their thinking ability about physics and to apply it in the form of scientific papers or prototypes. It is different with robotic challenge, through this activity high school students were introduced about robotics and were challenged to develop their skill in operating simple robot.

In addition of competition activities, it was also held the workshop for college students and public people. That workshop brought theme of “Advance Seismic Survey and Monitoring for Mitigation and Geothermal Exploration”. This workshop aims to introduce survey technology of disaster mitigation and geothermal exploration.

In between of the series of competitions, high school students were also taken to experience classes with lecturers for one day through physics camp activity. Not only experiencing lecture, the students also brought to have direct practice at laboratory of Department of Physics FMIPA IPB. (qa)