IPB Grieving: Has Passed Away to Rahmatullah Prof. Barizi, First Dean of FMIPA IPB

IPB Grieving: Has Passed Away to Rahmatullah Prof. Barizi, First Dean of FMIPA IPB


Today, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) had lost a Professor Emeritus who has contributed greatly to the development of IPB. He is Prof. Dr. Barizi, MES, First Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB. Coinciding with his 79 years of age today, Prof. Barizi had passed away this morning at 8:15 a.m. at Gatot Soebroto Central Army Hospital (RSPAD) Jakarta, (9/8).

All levels of the IPB leadership went to the funeral home in the Baranangsiang 3 IPB Housing Block G No. 5 to pray and deliver the body to the Blender Public Cemetery (TPU), Bogor City. All IPB residents take deep condolences for the departure of Prof. Barizi. Hopefully the deceased will be accepted in the best place by Allah SWT. Aamiin.

Prof. Barizi was born in Marabahan, South Kalimantan, August 9, 1939. After studying high school (SMA) in Banjarmasin, in 1961, Prof. Barizi continued his education at the Ciawi Agricultural Academy. After being accepted as an educator (lecturer) at IPB, Prof. Barizi then continued his Ph.D. study at North Carolina State University (NCSU), United States.

The late Prof. Barizi began acting as a lecturer in IPB in 1967 and was placed in the Department of Statistics in 1973. Nine years later, Prof. Barizi received the mandate to be the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of IPB. After retiring, Prof. Barizi was still asked to educate at IPB with the status of Professor Emeritus in the Department of Statistics FMIPA IPB in 2004.

During his work at IPB, a lot of services were inscribed in building and establishing FMIPA IPB. In 1979, a special team was formed to prepare the Science and Mathematics Faculty (FSM). In accordance with the Rector’s Decree No. 076/1979, this team was chaired by Dr. Ir. Anwar Nur with the secretary Dr. Barizi and members Dr. Ir. Edi Guhardja, drh. Ikin Mansjoer, MSc, drh. Nawangsari Sugiri, Dr. Norman R. Azwar, Soedarsono, MSc, and Drs. K.N. Zainal Abidin.

During the embryonic period, FMIPA IPB was named the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. A year later, FSM was formed through the Rector’s Decree No. 078/1980 and Prof. Barizi became Dean of FSM (at that time he was still a doctorate).

Two years later, precisely September 7, 1982, the existence of this faculty was approved by the government through Presidential Decree No. 46 of 1982 with the name following the nomenclature of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).

During this time, FMIPA was a combination of several units in the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The Faculty of Agriculture contributes study programs related to agrometeorology, botany, chemistry and statistics. In the next stage, the statistical study program gave birth to a mathematics study program and computer science study program which has now become the Mathematics Department and the Computer Science Department. The agrometeorology study program produced a physics study program and developed into the Department of Physics and the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine donates the Department of Zoology and the Department of Biochemistry. Improvements also occurred in the Department of Chemistry which later opened Biochemistry study program (DMR)