Bogor Mayor and IPB Rector Convey Message to New Students of IPB

Bogor Mayor and IPB Rector Convey Message to New Students of IPB


Bogor Mayor, Bima Arya, greeted new students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) during his visit in New Student Introduction to Campus (MPKMB) 2018 in Grha Widya Wisuda, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor, Tuesday (14/8).

“I congratulate you all because you will start a history, being an academic civitas of IPB. Many national figures were produced from IPB. I also welcome you to Bogor City, the rain city, the rain of millions smile,” he said.

In this opportunity, Bima Arya said that there were three types of young people. First were young people who were cool with themselves, second were young people who have finished with themselves, and the third were young people who did not know themselves.

“I am sure, the freshmen of IPB, that become the part of Indonesia’s best university, most likely are youngsters that have finished with themselves. I ask you all to bring changes in Bogor City. I believe that the city must be filled with ideas, and IPB is the strength of idea in Bogor City,” he concluded.

A similar thing was also said by IPB Rector, Dr. Arif Satria. “There are three types of students. Student as a status, student as a career, and student as a calling,” he said.

According to him, IPB freshmen are students because of a calling; becoming students because of full awareness to play an important role to keep the nation’s morale, increase intellectual quality, and to bring Indonesia into justice and prosperity.

Dr. Arif also invited IPB freshmen to understand Indonesia’s current situation. “The world acknowledges Indonesia as a country with megabiodiversity. Indonesia has a gigantic amount of natural heritage. Among all that, we also deal a lot with agriculture. Agriculture is our daily lives. It is very important for food, energy, housing, and clothing,” said Dr. Arif.

“IPB has a responsibility to escort the issue of food. If food production is disturbed, there will be hunger, then an instability politically. It will eventually affect our lives,” he continued.

Therefore, IPB comes with a new vision to become the leading techno-socio-entrepreneurial university, with the mission of preparing superior, professional educated graduates with entrepreneurial character, pioneering the development of science and technology, and transforming science and technology and a culture of excellence and sustainable quality improvement in life. According to him, IPB has the role of tridharma, namely the role of education, the role of research, and the role of community service.

Until today, IPB has scored many achievements and reputations, namely Top 100 University in the World with the subject of Agriculture, First Ranking in National in Human Resources Quality Criteria, and Third Ranking of Best Public University in Indonesia.

Other than that, IPB becomes a university with 81.6 of its study programs have been accredited internationally, Best Repository in Southeast Asia, Best Foreign Research Partner Universities in Indonesia, First Rank of Legal Entity Public University with the best report cards in Indonesia; Rank III of Public Information Openness. IPB also contributed in 415 best innovations in Indonesia from a total of 1000 innovations.

IPB also collaborated with the National Institute of Aviation and Antarctica (LAPAN) to launch satellites and become the only university that has satellites. IPB succeeded in creating analog rice, bird flu vaccine, innovation in cosmetics products from seaweed, and IPB 3S rice varieties with the productivity of 13.4 tons per hectare. IPB also has a palm carrier tool, Fastrex. IPB has chili which has an extraordinary level of spiciness.

Currently, IPB is developing IPB Mobile App that has all information about the students’ grade et cetera. IPB also has IPB Today application that contains daily news about IPB.

IPB won the 2nd Place in Outstanding Student Competition in National Level. In an international level, Agria Swara IPB Choir became 1st Winner in Switzerland.

“All of that is an amazing achievement. You are very lucky to be enrolled in IPB. Let’s develop IPB to become more successful. I hope you all become people with a learning mentality, that always seek friendship and togetherness, always achieve and aim for Indonesia’s glory,” he concluded. (CN)