Bogor Departmental (Resort) Police and IPB Held Great Islamic Lecture for Peace

Bogor Departmental (Resort) Police and IPB Held Great Islamic Lecture for Peace


Bogor Departmental (Resort) Police in cooperation with Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), supported by Nusantara Task Force, held a Great Islamic Lecture with theme "Strengthening Ukhuwah Islamiyah, Insaniyah and Wathaniyah for Peaceful and Unified Indonesia", on Friday (6/6) at Graha Widya Wisuda, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor. This activity was attended by all the police officers, IPB officials, Islamic scholars, students and communities.

The Head of Nusantara Task Force who in this occasion was represented by the Head of Resort Police, AKBP Andi Muhammad Diki Pastika Gading, greatly appreciated this activity. "This kind of activity should be implemented in every region because of the importance of friendship among universities, communities and the police."

AKBP Andi reminded the young generation to be able to seriously prepare themselves to study science, to adapt, and to build social conditions in their environment. He also hoped that this moment could be used as the cooling of the political temperature that could heat up after the 2018 elections. "Therefore, let us give coolness in keeping the national unity," he said.

Rector of IPB, Dr. Arif Satria, said that the event was very important in order to strengthen the relationship between the campus and the community as well as between the campus and the police to support the stability of this Bogor community.

"Citizens should be grateful for this independence and must continue to improve achievements in order to build this nation to be more advanced. So we should be able to create peace, be proactive and innovative, as well as be grateful for the existing situation by filling this independence with sincerity so that the pleasure can keep being added by Allah SWT," he explained.

Meanwhile, Habib Jindan bin Novel bin Salim Jindan, in his Islamic lecture explained that the sense of having ukhuwah or a sincere sense of brotherhood among fellow Muslims and all religious people should continue to be improved and helping each other must continue to be nurtured for the prosperity of this nation. "We have to acknowledge that our fellow Muslims in all parts of the world are the brothers we ought to protect. We strive for their right in the name of Islam and pray for them for good."

He added that a good Muslim is ordered to get along nicely in the community. While for hanging out in the middle of society, the main capital is noble morals. And indeed the noble character itself is a reflection of the perfection of a Muslim's faith.

"Among many noble morals taught by Islam, there are easy and simple good behaviors, which can be practiced in daily life while hanging out in the community, namely smiling and greeting," he said.

Indonesia is an Islamic country where the Islamic values are applied in the lives of most of its people. Muslims in Indonesia become the largest Muslim in the world so that the mecca of Islamic civilization is in this country. Therefore, safety becomes a must in the lives of peaceful people to maintain the Islamic civilization well. (Awl/ZSP/ris)