800 Graduates of IPB were Inaugurated

800 Graduates of IPB were Inaugurated

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) inaugurated 800 graduates at Grha Widya Wisuda (GWW) Building, Campus of IPB Dramaga Bogor, Wednesday (18/3). In the graduation of the IV phase in the Academic Year of 2014/2015, it included doctoral, master and scholar education programs. Of 44 doctorates, 174 masters of science, 53 masters of management, 14 professional masters and 515 scholars were inaugurated on this phase.
The graduation was opened and led directly by Rector of IPB, Prof.Dr Herry Suhardiyanto. In his speech, the Rector congratulated all graduates and hoped that the graduates could live up the name of IPB. The Rector also conveyed the gratitude toward professors, lecturers, laboratory staff to librarians who participated in guiding the graduates so that they could complete their education at IPB. 
On this occasion, the Rector also reminded the graduates that they were ready to face the working world, especially ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) was in sight. “As is MEA, the market is wide open. In addition to be a challenge for us, there are also great opportunities. If we are not prepared to deal with MEA, instead we can compete in foreign countries, even the strangers who will control our own country,” the Rector added.
The Rector also provided the appreciation and respect for the best graduates of IPB. The best graduates were Roni Ridwan from Doctoral Program, Annisa Oktavia Rini from Program of Master of Science, Sari Wiji Utami from Program of Master of Management. 
As for the best graduates from the scholar program were Iansyah Wibi Saksono from Faculty of Agriculture, Esdinawan Carakantara Satrija from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Silmina Sabila from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Muhammad Irfan Fadillah from Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Lila Juniyanti from Faculty of Forestry, Afifah Zahra Agista from Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Alindya Sinta Aji from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Astari Novitasari from Faculty of Economics and Management, and Novi Luthfiana Putri from Faculty of Human Ecology. (as)