Washington University Researcher Explains Biodiversity Threats to IPB University Students

Washington University Researcher Explains Biodiversity Threats to IPB University Students

Peneliti Washington University Jelaskan Ancaman Biodiversitas di Hadapan Mahasiswa IPB University

IPB University students received a guest lecture from Prof Rendall C Kyes, Washington University Researcher on the threat of biodiversity. The activity entitled “Threat to Biological Diversity” was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), IPB Darmaga Campus, on 20/5.

Prof Rendall’s research focuses on field-based studies of non-human primates and other wildlife in the fields of conservation biology and global health. On the sidelines of the presentation of the material, Prof Rendall said that he was very happy to be back at IPB University to provide material that was very important for the wider community to understand.

“The threat of biodiversity is an important concern for all parties. On 22 May is commemorated as International Biodiversity Day, so the moment is very appropriate for us to think together about biodiversity,” he said.

He added that biodiversity conservation is not only the responsibility of people who pursue the field of biology or the environmental field but all parties, so that natural resources are maintained.

“People, including the younger generation, must appreciate and develop a sense of responsibility to try to halt the destruction and loss of biodiversity while finding solutions to improve biodiversity,” said Prof Rendall.

He continued, during his 40 years of research there was still damage to biological resources. Prof Rendall said the root of the problem is the large human population.

“In 2024, the human population will reach 8.1 billion while the world cannot support the acceleration of the human population. As much as 60 per cent of extinctions occur in primate animals, 2.5 per cent occur in insect biomass. This happens because of human activities, pesticides, factories and over-exploitation,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Huda Darusman as the Chief of Primate Animal Study Centre of IPB University expressed his gratitude to Randall C Kyes who had provided training for students. In addition, the Head of the International Research Institute of IPB University, Prof Anas Miftah Fauzi also conveyed the importance of conservation and sustainable use. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)