DPMA IPB University Holds FGD on Quality Family School Discussing Family Science in Stunting Prevention

DPMA IPB University Holds FGD on Quality Family School Discussing Family Science in Stunting Prevention

DPMA IPB University Gelar FGD Sekolah Keluarga Berkualitas Bahas Ilmu Keluarga dalam Pencegahan Stunting

The Director of Development of Agromaritime Communities (DPMA) of IPB University held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Quality Family School (SKB) 2024. The activity was DPMA’s first step to providing education to village heads and public health cadres in the IPB Campus Rim. This activity took place on Monday, 6/5, at the Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP), Bogor.

The event was opened with remarks from the Director of DPMA IPB University, Dr Handian Purwawangsa, who explained that SKB 2024 was one of the commitments of IPB University and DPMA to provide training, as well as the transfer of information and technology.

“Especially in the stunting program, because understanding the causes of stunting is not only related to food, but also all aspects of life, such as housing, parenting, and others,” he said.

Dr Handian continued, that this FGD needs to be done to summarize input from various parties. SKB can also be synergized with garden renovation activities, so it is possible for villages or sub-districts that have vacant land to submit assistance programs to DPMA.

Dr Handian also expressed his optimism about the positive impact of the SKB activities and thanked the village heads and health cadres from around the campus for coming to this FGD.

The presentation of the material “Family Science in Stunting Prevention” was delivered directly by Dr. Tin Herawati who is an expert and practitioner of family science.
“The phenomenon of high stunting rates in Bogor Regency is one of the foundations in the implementation of the SKB. Various stunting prevention strategies must continue to be carried out tentatively and holistically, considering that stunting is not only rooted in the problem of lack of nutritional intake in children,” said Dr Tin.

“The family is an important unit in stunting prevention. A holistic understanding of the problem of stunting needs to be socialized to families, in order to improve family life and create a holistic environment that supports child development,” said this Lecturer in Family and Consumer Sciences at IPB University.

Dr Tin continued, an understanding of maternal health preparation before pregnancy and childbirth is also a major highlight in order to prevent children with congenital stunting.

“Congenital stunting is one of the challenges because prevention is very difficult. On average, these children are born to mothers who have diseases (high blood pressure and anemia), malnutrition, and often take medication,” she said. (*/Lp) (IAAS/TIR)