IPB University Graduate School Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program Holds Guest Lecture Presenting Speakers from WULS

IPB University Graduate School Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program Holds Guest Lecture Presenting Speakers from WULS

Prodi PSL Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Gelar Guest Lecture Hadirkan Pembicara dari WULS

The Study Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (PSL) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a guest lecture presenting speakers Prof Roman Wójcik from Natural Resource Management and Policy, Case of Forestry in Poland and Dr Wojciech Kędziora from State of the Art: Forest Inventory in Poland from Warsaw University of Life Science (WULS) Poland held at Baranangsiang Campus, on 27/2.

This guest lecture was part of the environmental administration system course under the coordinator of Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University which was attended by 53 students from master and doctoral programs.

Prof Hadi Susilo Arifin, Chairman of the Master Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management said that this program was very good and was part of the collaboration that had been carried out by IPB University with WULS, one of the very senior universities in Europe.

“WULS has an environmental engineering department which includes the fields of climate change, energy, water and is very compatible with the PSL study program as a multidisciplinary study program that has a very broad scope such as ecological, economic, socio-cultural aspects including policies,” he said.

He hopes that this guest lecture activity will open wider educational cooperation both long-term and short-term for the Natural Resources and Environmental Management SPs IPB University study program, such as joint supervision and publication, joint research, exchange programs, joint degrees and double degrees which are very important for the Natural Resources and Environmental Management study program.

“We also want to offer short-term programs that have been carried out by the Natural Resources and Environmental Management study program such as the International Summer Course Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science which is attended by many participants from domestic and foreign universities,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, Prof Roman Wójcik delivered his material related to forest monitoring in Poland. “At that time there was a large-scale forest inventory in accordance with the 1983 instruction. The problem with forest monitoring in Poland today is the spread of mistletoe (a semi-parasitic plant) which depends on the available hosts,” he explained.

“We are currently facing new challenges that can significantly contribute to changes in forest management and this is a result that leads us to reflect on the scale of the current problem,” he said.

He continued that forest management planning requires a change in approach to assessing the level of damage caused by mistletoe, with particular attention needing to be paid to the number of infested trees. “It currently stands at 31 percent, which is a measure that significantly affects the loss of health,” he added. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/HLF)