SPs IPB University Professional Engineer Programme Holds Public Lecture on the Importance of Professionalism Competence for Indonesian Engineers

SPs IPB University Professional Engineer Programme Holds Public Lecture on the Importance of Professionalism Competence for Indonesian Engineers

Program Profesi Insinyur SPs IPB University Adakan Kuliah Umum Pentingnya Kompetensi Profesionalisme untuk Insinyur Indonesia

The Professional Engineer Programme (PPI) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held another public lecture with the theme ‘The Importance of Professionalism Competence for Indonesian Engineers’ (21/10). The event was held online by presenting speakers Prof Asep Kurnia Permadi, Chairman of the Executive Board for the Development of Professional Engineer Programs, Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) and moderated by Dr Yanuar J Purwanto, lecturer in the professionalism course of PPI Study Program.

Prof Muhammad Romli, Chairman of the PPI Study Program (Prodi) SPs IPB University in his speech expressed his gratitude for the implementation of this public lecture activity. He hoped that this public lecture would provide insight and experience for PPI students from both the regular programme and the recognition of prior learning (RPL) programme.

“The purpose of this public lecture is to refresh and remind us of the importance of professionalism competence for Indonesia in carrying out the duties and roles of engineers in work,” he said.

Prof Muhammad Romli added that currently the PPI IPB University study programme has graduated 653 people through the RPL route. The graduates come from various fields of bio-engineering, namely the agricultural industry, agriculture and agricultural products, forestry, animal husbandry, civil and environment, fisheries and marine and applied science.

“With this public lecture, we hope that students will be able to apply engineering professionalism in carrying out planning, design and evaluation to be practised in their respective workplaces,” he added.

Meanwhile, Deasy Kartika Rahayu Kuncoro, ST, MT, Secretary of PPI, explained that PPI is a higher education programme after the undergraduate programme. It aims to establish engineering competence organised by universities in collaboration with the relevant ministries of PII and industry, after obtaining permission from the Minister.

“The professional engineering degree is awarded by universities in collaboration with relevant ministries and PII and can be pursued through regular mechanisms and recognition of prior learning or RPL,” she said.

She added that currently the admission of new IPB University PPI Study Program students is re-opened in the even semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year. Registration starts from 23 October to 30 December 2023 along with the opening of SPs IPB University master and doctoral programmes.

“Hopefully the students and participants of this public lecture can convey information on the opening of PPI Study Programme registration and register in this even semester. Registration information can be accessed online through the page https://admisi.ipb.ac.id,” she added.

Prof Asep Kurnia Permadi said that the term engineer (Ir) is no longer used as an academic degree but as a designation or professional title. “To work as an engineer, an additional process is needed after formal academic education, namely professional education. Previously, diplomas and certificates of work competence were enough, not professional certificates,” he said.

Prof Asep Kurnia Permadi added that an ideal engineer is an engineer with knowledge, experience and ethics. “Professionalism of engineers must have the quality and behaviour of professional engineers, namely those who practice based on engineering standards and codes of ethics,” he added. (HBL). (IAAS/RUM)