Here’s How IPB University Facilitates Student Mental Health

Here’s How IPB University Facilitates Student Mental Health

Ini Cara IPB University Fasilitasi Kesehatan Mental Mahasiswa

Higher education has an important role in building awareness and understanding of mental health among students. IPB University as one of the state universities (PTN) in Indonesia has since 1974 facilitated the mental health of its students through the Guidance and Counseling Team (TBK).

Coordinator of TBK IPB University, Dr Melly Latifah said, the formation of this team originated from the mandate of the Minister of Education and Culture in 1971 so that IPB University conducted a pilot project to make the undergraduate program from six years to four years. The change made IPB University students have to adapt, especially many students who came from various regions in Indonesia.

“That’s where there was an initiation to assist new students, especially those who have adaptation problems from high school to college, cultural differences, and learning models. Especially with the change in the length of undergraduate education from six years to four years. That causes a lot of impact for some students to have difficulty adapting,” said Dr Melly when contacted via Zoom Meeting (1/11).

Dr Melly explained that TBK is a forum for counselors from various faculties at IPB University. Counselors are active lecturers at IPB University who have been trained in providing counseling services. In carrying out their duties, counselors are assisted by peer counselors who are trained students from various study levels.

“In total for this year there are 95 counselors and 37 peer counselors,” said the lecturer at the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema).

TBK IPB University is tasked with providing guidance and counseling services to students to support the improvement of student academic achievement. Then provide services and psychological examinations of students, both individuals and groups. Then provide recommendations to students for solving their problems.

Guidance and counseling services are provided to multistrata students from S0 to S3. In particular, TBK IPB University gives priority to first-year students.

“For first-year students, it is special. They get special services in a group guidance format. There is a schedule for them to meet with counselors. Every 1-2 weeks there is a meeting,” said Dr Mely.

“They are equipped with various soft skills, such as communication skills including with lecturers, self-development, increasing self-confidence, time management, managing stress, how to overcome overthinking, including the importance of having and maintaining mental health. That’s for first-year students. For the second level and above, they get individual counseling services if they need it,” added Dr Melly.

Student problems that have been handled by TBK IPB University vary. Starting from academic problems, relationships with friends, and family problems to economic problems that lead to psychological burdens. Usually, said Dr Melly, those who experience the most psychological problems are first-year and final-year students. As for the incidents of student suicide because of the problems they experienced, it has never happened at IPB University.

“I suggest to younger siblings who face problems not to withdraw from people. Instead, you have to meet people. Come to TBK IPB University so that they can be assisted and accompanied by counselors in overcoming their problems,” (MHT) (IAAS/TNY)