Minister of PPN Appreciates Concept of Agro-Maritime 4.0 Development from IPB

Minister of PPN Appreciates Concept of Agro-Maritime 4.0 Development from IPB


Institute of Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held Agro-Matime 4.0 Seminar with theme “Welcoming Indonesia’s Vision 2045” at IPB International Convention Center (IICC) IPB Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor, Thursday (4/10). Chief of Committees, Dr. Eva Anggraeni explained that the theme was choosen as a shape of IPB moral responsibility in contributing thoughts to various current conditions and future challenges in national development, especially in field of agro-maritime.

“In case of responding that disruption challenge in digital era, Industry 4.0 era has become a strategic thing to be transformed into a strength amid of increasing global problems relates with the issues of food, water and energy. On other hand, the development of agriculture in broaden sense is still constrained by various problems and not much focusing on our country’s identity and characteristic as the biggest maritime continent,” said the Vice Head for Strategic Studies LPPM IPB.

Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/ Head of Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang P.S Brodjonegoro in his Keynote Speech conveyed about Agro-Maritime 4.0 for welcoming Indonesia’s Vision 2045, where agricultural sector is the foundation of nation's economy. “With appropriate development of agriculture, it will lead to stable economy. Agricultural development on economy of a nation is positively linear. A country shall be considered as developed country if all basic needs of its people are fulfilled, that is food,” explained Prof. Bambang.

According to Prof. Bambang, now we are on the verge of technology revolution which will fundamentally transform the way we life, the way we work, and the way we connect with each other. Innovation in agriculture must be able to increase harvested yield production by means that efficient in utilizing resources and the right production method. “Smart farming and precision farming has to be developed as an approach of advanced agriculture that is efficient and cost effective. Modern information technology utilization, proper and accurate data mastery are substantial elements in operating an efficient and sustainable production process.”

Furthermore Prof. Bambang said, so to support the good management in Agro-Maritime 4.0 economy process, data availability becomes very strategic. Control of agro-maritime industrial development will be performed easier. Deficiency and excess of food will be easy to monitor. As well as food-based industrial sector also will be easier to be measured its carrying capacity. If an island has no enough food stock, so the food demand can be supplied from production central area which has excess food stock.

He emphasized, digital farming is an opportunity as well as a challenge for Indonesia people. Government must respond to this change immediately. The fundamental problem is how this digital farming system can be implemented and utilized by people widely and massively. The main task of government and stakeholders, include IPB, is to educate farmers to shift from traditional system to digital-based system.

According to him, in this term, IPB’s role as the oldest and foremost agricultural university in Indonesia is quite prominent. In early Orde Baru era, IPB came up with innovations of BIMAS/INMAS and Panca Usaha Tani which were able to bring Indonesia achieved food self-sufficiency particularly rice. It is a challenge for IPB in this digital farming era to come up with the concept of agro-maritime development that can increase production while also increase farmers’ income by keeping conservation and sustainability of environment. It’s time to evolve the concept of “corporate agriculture” or industrial-based agriculture in this digital farming era.

As educational institution in agro-maritime field, we expect IPB is able to produce Human Resources (HR) who are not only capable in term of knowledge, but also posses the skill to create and to innovate. “We need HR who want to work with society in preparing commodity and raw material, HR who is open to technology and HR who can adapt the rapid information technology development and HR who skillful in adopting digital technology utilization for agriculture and maritime necessity. Competency and quality of human resources will determine the pace of agro-maritime development. We want to include the trend of future technology transformation in educational curriculum of agriculture, fishery, and marine to open new horizon in agro-maritime production,” explained Prof. Bambang.

Rector of IPB, Dr. Arif Satria in his speech conveyed, the term of agro-maritime was purposefully raised to be able to integrate natural resources that we have. Agro-Maritime 4.0 Transformation has become essential due to the disconnectivity of agro and maritime sector development. “Challenge and opportunity from that 4.0 era must be responded immediately and appropriately by clear road map concept. Based on that, IPB has offered concept of Agro-Maritime 4.0 which is expected can be a reference of IPB development in the future and can contribute in Indonesia’s progress as the world’s biggest maritime country. That concept is also expected to provide answer for uncertainty solution in disruption era,” said Rector of IPB.

Rector of IPB added, concept of Agro-Maritime 4.0 development offers development platform which view the management of land area, marine area and airspace as one unity that requires transdicipline, integrated and participative approach.

According to Rector of IPB, the direction of agro-maritime transformation emphasizes on development and improvement both quality and quantity of four types of infrastructures, those are production infrastructure, supply infrastructure, marketing infrastructure and regional infrastructure. Rector of IPB asserted, this concept is IPB’s thinking contribution to promote transformation of Indonesia development which is based on the strength of agro-maritime resources through smartly and wisely utilizing digital technology.

Be present as sourceperson in this event are: Owner and CEO of Kelola Mina Laut Food and also Kelola Mina Laut Group, Ir. Muhammad Nadjikh, Professor of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science IPb, Prof. Dr. Rokhmin Dahuri, Professor from Agricultural Economics Science University of Lampung, Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin, Lead Researcher for Agricultural Economics Research, Prof. Dr. Pantjar Simatupang, Deputy of Minister of PPN/ Head for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources Bappenas, Dr. Arifin Rudiyanto, Lecturer of Department of Agribusiness FEM IPB, Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi, Professor of Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) IPB, Prof. Yandra Arkeman and Professor of Economics Science FEM IPB, Prof. Dr. Hermanto Siregar. (qa)