A total of 1,288 Leaderss of OSIS Apply to IPB

A total of 1,288 Leaderss of OSIS Apply to IPB


A total of 1,288 Head of Intra School Student Organization (OSIS) High School (Senior High School) enroll as a new student appliant Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) through a special invitation path Chairman Osis. For this path IPB allocates 150 seats from nearly 4,000 total quota of freshmen in 2018. This pathway specifically facilitates students with excellent leadership skills. IPB assess the soul of leadership becomes an important factor to advance the nation in the future. IPB has a great commitment in printing the leaders of the nation. That commitment is manifested through a number of systematic steps and processes. One of them is the new selection of IPB entry through the Head of OSIS.

The special line of OSIS Chairman or leadership talent path is one of the new breakthroughs. The opening of this pathway in order to produce the best graduates spirited leadership and young entrepreneurship-based farmers who can support the regeneration of farmers. Rector of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), Dr. Arif Satria says, as an effort to interest prospective students to improve the quality of prospective new students, IPB open the selection to find prospective students who have a love of agriculture as well as have talent leadership and entrepreneurship

"Now in the era of democracy and decentralization, when the quality of leadership in the central and regional areas become one of the most urgent needs, IPB develop one of the selection scheme of new student candidates for the path of OSIS who qualify for academic students as IPB students," Rector says.

According to the Rector, this scheme is one of independent selection to find prospective students who have been proven to have leadership as Chairman of OSIS, while having sufficient academic ability to be educated in IPB to become a candidate leader who has high intellectuality. In other words intellectuals who have a strong leadership spirit. "It is expected that this scheme will produce candidates for leaders, both national, regional, corporate and community leaders who lead by scientific approach, apply scientific based leadership," explained the Rector.

Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs IPB, Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto said that in addition to being the Chairman of OSIS (reinforced by a certificate from the principal), other requirements that must be fulfilled by the applicants are: (1) graduate of science major, (2) Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology , (3) applying to the Rector of IPB to include curriculum vitae and activities during the Chairman of OSIS approved by the headmaster, (4) making a contribution synopsis for Indonesia's development in the future; (5) willing to receive leadership training, entrepreneurship and training others. "The ten favorite courses chosen by the applicants of IPB in 2018 are: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Communication and Community Development, Agricultural Industrial Technology, Management, Agronomy and Horticulture, Agribusiness, Food Technology, Computer Science, Veterinary Study and Nutrition Science . "The announcement of the result of this selection has been done on June 29, 2018 and has been received by 150 prospective students. Complete information about the admission of new students of IPB in various independent channels including the special path of OSIS Chairman uploaded on Admission IPB website (admisi.ipb.ac.id). (NR)