Students of IPB from North Kayong Visited 13 SMA

Students of IPB from North Kayong Visited 13 SMA


Himakatra (Student Association of North Kayong) conducted the roadshow in 13 SMA in the vicinity of North Kayong District, East Kalimantan. Himakatra was one of the Regional Student Organization (Omda) under the guidance of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). “This activity is in order to educate the students of SMA to be interested in the agricultural knowledge. The total participants attending the roadshow are 329 students,” said Rudi, the Chairman of Himakatra.

This activity was welcomed by the students and the teachers there. “It is very happy and helped by the activities of IPB Goes to School (IGTS), because it can known IPB directly from the students of IPB and I am eager to get away in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology,” said Aisyah, one of the students.

The same thing was expressed, Fariz Mahmudi, S.Pd, one of the teachers of SMA in North Kayong. “I highly appreciate the activities of IPB Goes to School held by the students of IPB and hope for the future that the students who pass from IPB can build the agricultural sector both in North Kayong and in Indonesia in general.”

North Kayong was a very suitable area for the agricultural land, because in the area of North Kayong itself it was still classified as a rural area that required the development in the wider agricultural field. IPB was an innovative campus with the qualified human resources, so that many students in North Kayong who were interested to go to IPB. (***/ris)