Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 29th Hosted by IPB was Officially Opened

Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 29th Hosted by IPB was Officially Opened

Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional 29th (Pimnas – National Student Science Week XXIX) hosted by IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) was officially opened yesterday  evening, on Monday, 8 August 2016, at Grha Widya Graduation (GWW), Dramaga Campus, Bogor. The Opening Ceremony of the  Pimnas 29th was led by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) RI, Prof. Mohamad Nasir, and was marked with siren keystrokes at IPB campus. 
The Minister fully supported the event and will accompany student’ innovations to reach the industries. Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs who is also Chairman of the Organizing Committee of  Pimnas 29th, Prof.Dr. Yonny Koesmaryono, said the prestigious national competition has been attended by 460 Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM Student Creativity Program) teams from 145 universities throughout Indonesia.
The theme of Pimnas 29th is "Dengan Semangat Kebersamaan dan Persatuan, Mahasiswa Indonesia Menciptakan Karya Kreatif dan Inovatif untuk Kejayaan Bangsa (= The spirit of togetherness can enhance the creative and innovative of Indonesian students for the glory and honour of the nation)", is not only the nuances of fighting of hard but fair competition, which emphasizes differences but unity and togetherness.
Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto, in his remarks stated that Pimnas 29th  wouldn’t be the only venue for competition between students from different universities, but it is the fabulous university-togetherness place, in fostering unity, group brainstorming, and to share knowledge, mong students and lecturers. 
At the opening ceremony also the trophy of Adhikarta Kertawidya was handed over by the Winner of Pimnas 28th, Universitas Brawijaya (UB), represented by the Rector, to Chairman of the Organizing  Committee for Pimnas 29th, Prof.Dr. Yonny Koesmaryono.  The handed over of the trophy to the Organizing Committee means it is ready to be competed in the next four days, 8-11 August 2016. 
Others present in the Opening Ceremony included the Head of Education Service of West Java, Bogor Deputy Mayor, Director-General of Education and Student Affairs of Kemenristekdikti RI, Head of BAPPEDA Bogor Regency, and the Executive Boards of Universities throughout Indonesia. Item of the program for the Opening Ceremony was the parade of university flag and was terminated by  Rampak Gendang dance.
The Host of PIMNAS 29th 
Pimnas 29th (National Student Science Week XXIX) is the estuary of the creative expression of young scientists and entrepreneurs who come from campuses in Indonesia. Pimnas also as a venue for scientific forums and ways of communicating products as well as the creation of a relationship between the student facilities in Indonesia through the presentation of initiative, creativity, technology, research and the work of the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM Student Creativity Program). In addition, the objectives of PKM is improving the quality of university’ students to be member of the community who has academic ability and/or professionals to develop and disseminate science, technology or the arts and enrich the national culture.
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB – Bogor Agricultural University), as one of the leading universities in agriculture in Indonesia, is committed to contribute and has been responsible in facilitating superior values of this activity. As the host of Pimnas 29th for the second time, IPB attempted to make Pimnas 29th as a gathering venue for prospective leaders (students) to work together to recommend for the solutions and advancement for Indonesia through their superior works in the PKM related fields of Research, Technology Application, Community Service, Entrepreneurship, Cipta Karsa (scientific works) and Written idea.
Pimnas 29th with theme “Dengan Semangat Kebersamaan dan Persatuan, Mahasiswa Indonesia Menciptakan Karya Kreatif dan Inovatif untuk Kejayaan Bangsa” which is hosted by  IPB, has been carried out on 8-11August 2016. The venues of entire activities of Pimnas 29th are Darmaga Campus, Bogor. Pimnas 29th on 2016 has been participated by 460 PKM teams from 145 universities throughout Indonesia. In addition to students, Pimnas 29th has also been attended by lecturers of PKM related fields, the Executive Boards of universities, the juries and  the Organizing Committee members, 300 supporting contingent and 1,250 officials.
Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of IPB, who is also Chairman of the Organzizing Committee of Pimnas 29th, Prof.Dr. Yonny Koesmaryono, stated that  Currently participants of Pimnas 29th will be divided into 22 areas of PKM, namely the research, the PKM entrepreneurship, the community service, the application of technology, and the scientific writing. Other than that, there were also PKM Artikel Ilmiah (Scientific Articles) and PKM Gagasan Tertulis (Written Idea).  
In addition to poster exhibitions to show the achievements made by PKM, currently Pimnas 29th  will also planned to organize the University Executive Boards’ for Student Affairs Meeting, Workshop for Leaders of  Student Organizations, Studium General, Pimnas 29th Investment Summit, Social Gathering, Environmental Awareness Movement Program,  High School Goes to Pimnas 29th, exercise together, bazaar and City Tour.
"the implementation of Pimnas 29th will not only provide the nuances of fighting of hard but fair competition,  but also emphasizes the unity and togetherness," said Prof. Yonny Koesmaryono.
"Hopefully Pimnas 29th will produce various innovative works of students who are creative, innovative and provide recommendations to solve various problems faced by the community and Indonesia. I hope Pimnas 29th will be the milestone for better implementation of the next PKM and Pimnas, "said Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto. (Wied)