
The Inaugural Session of BOT IPB for the Transitional Period of 2012-2013 was opened and led by the Interim Chairman of BOT IPB, Prof. Dr. Rizal Sjarief Sjaiful Nazli. The Agenda of the Inaugural Session of BOT IPB for the Transitional Period was: (i) Signing of the Official Report of the Transfer of Position, (ii) Welcome Speech of the Chairman of BOT IPB for the Period of 2007-2012 and the Transfer of Report of BOT IPB for the Period of 1 January 2011 to 7 April 2012 and the Memorandum of the End of Position of BOT IPB for the Period of 2007-2012 to the Interim Chairman of BOT, and (iii) Welcome Speech of the Interim Chairman of BOT. 

Several important details delivered by the member of BOT before entering to the first agenda were: (i) At the moment, we faced the transitional period which was quite crucial. We had gone through a quite long process to choose PP 154 in the Year of 2000 about the Decree of IPB as PT BHMN (PP 154/2000), (ii) At IPB, there were 2 (two) processes which were on going in conformity i.e. the use of PP 154 in the Year of 2000 in the transitional period, and carried out the Government Rules No 66 in the Year of 2010.  

Furthermore, the signing of the Official Report of the Transfer of Position from Prof. Dr. Didik J. Rachbini, Chairman of BOT IPB for the Period of 2007-2012, to Prof. Dr. Rizal Syarief, Interim Chairman of BOT IPB for the Transitional Period of 2012-2013, was conducted.  Prof. Dudung Darusman, Chairman of AS IPB, and Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto, Rector of IPB, joined in to sign the Official Report of the Transfer of Position as witnesses.  

The Chairman of BOT IPB for the Period of 2007-2012, in his welcome speech, delivered that the condition (transitional period) at IPB had run well, and hopefully run smoothly to the future in accord with the existing dynamics. The achievement obtained by IPB in maintaining the transitional period to run well needed to be appreciated. The Chairman of BOT IPB for the Period of 2007-2012 then officially handed over the Memorandum of the End of Position of BOT IPB for the Period of 2007-2012 and the Report of BOT IPB for the Period of 1 January 2011 to 7 April 2012 each to the Interim Chairman of BOT IPB for the Transitional Period of 2012-2013 and to Rector of IPB.  The Interim Chairman of BOT IPB for the Transitional Period 2012-2013 officially stated that he accepted the transfer from BOT IPB for the Period of 2012-2013. To Chairman and Members of BOT for the Period of 2007-2012 it was extended the thank you expression of the highest possible for their achievements, hard works and so many things which had been produced. 
The program was continued by the introduction session of Members of BOT IPB of the Transitional Period 2012-2013, which was preceded by the Interim Chairman of BOT IPB of Transitional Period 2012-2013, Prof. Rizal Syarif, and continued with the introduction of other members of BOT IPB of the Transitional Period i.e.:
1.    Muhammad Saefrudin, Member of BOT IPB, Representative of Student, President of BEM KM IPB;
2.    Dr. Suswono (Minister of Agriculture), Member of BOT IPB, Representative of Community;
3.    Prof. Dr. Didik J. Rachbini, Member of BOT IPB, Representative of Community;
4.    Prof. Dr. Aunu Rauf, Member of BOT IPB, Representative of Academic Senate;
5.    Dr. Sugiharto, Member of BOT IPB, Representative of Community;
6.    Dr. M. Ikhwanuddin Mawardi, Member of BOT IPB, Representative of Community;
7.    Dr. Iwan Riswandi, Member of BOT IPB, Representative of Educational Staff of IPB;
8.    Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zairin Junior, Member of BOT, Representative of Academic Senate;
9.    Prof. Tun Teja, Member of BOT, Representative of Academic Senate;
10.  Prof. Dr. Toto Toharmat, Member of BOT, Representative of Academic Senate;
11.  Dr. Zaim Ukhrowi, Member of BOT, Representative of Community;
12.  Prof. Dr. Dudung Darusman, Member of BOT, Representative of Academic Senate;
13.  Prof. Dr. M.A. Chozin, Member of BOT, Representative of Academic Senate;
14.  Prof. Dr. Roedhy Poerwanto, Member of BOT, Representative of Academic Senate;
15.  Dr. Achmad Mukhlis Yusuf, Member of BOT, Representative of Community;
16.  Ir. Irama Badrianti, Member of BOT, Representative of Community, and
17.  Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto, Member of BOT/Rector of IPB.

On the request of Member of BOT, Rector of IPB delivered some important things as follows:

  1. After UU BHP being cancelled by MK, there was a kind of uncertainty related to the legal aspect, whereas UU BHP was expected (one of them) to become the umbrella from PP 154/2000 about the Decree of IPB as PT BHMN.
  2. In this transitional period, IPB in conformity carried out 2 (two) rules i.e. PP 154/2000 and PP 66/2010, so BOT at the moment was named BOT IPB for the Transitional Period of 2012-2013, where the Decree of Minister of Education and Culture had been out on the date of 5 April 2012. In the Decree of Minister of Education and Culture, it was stated that the period of position of BOT IPB for the Transitional Period of 2012-2013 would end until the change of IPB into University which was held by the government was decided.
  3. In accord with PP 66/2010,  the financial management of IPB applied the financial system of the public service corporation.
  4. Because there was an uncertainty, so what to be expected in the transitional period was lest that there was a kind of resonance of the uncertainty outside and the dejection or the uncertainty inside. Although there was uncertainty from the legal aspect outside, if inside we were solid, we could pay close attention to whatever happened. Although the process of legislation of RUU PT was on-going, IPB continuously prepared 2 (two) scenarios, whether  UU PT would be ratified by DPR, then it was made PP as its derivative to carry out the UU or supposing that the RUU PT protracted of this sort (never being ratified), until the transitional period was gone. IPB should be ready if the transitional period was gone, and it should carry out PP66/2010 fully, because the transitional period for finance was 31 December 2012 (PP 66/2010 Paragraph 220B clause 3) previously, than the transitional period for management. The transitional period for this finance had been determined on 31 December 2012, if there was no clarity of ratification of UU PT by DPR. If RUU PT was ratified by DPR to become UU PT, what was delivered by Dr. Suswono, BOT would keep running. At the moment, there were some things in RUU PT which needed to get the agreement reached from DPR, Government and PT BHMN, before being ratified by DPR.
  5. In the same time, IPB also had been ready to carry out PP 66/2010. The concept of Perpres About the Decree of IPB as PTP had been sent to the Minister of Education and Culture (11 April 2012).  Likewise with the Draft of Statute of IPB. If PP 66/2010 was fully prevailed the drafts of Perpres and Statuta had been prepared. We also hoped that RUU PT was ratified to become UU PT because with the ratification of UU PT the transformation process would run more smoothly.
  6. There were several things in RUU PT which needed to get the agreement reached amongst them:
  • Autonomy of University.  The Government had opinion that the giving of the autonomy of university was given selectively to certain PTN which was qualified to become the corporate body and which conducted the selection was the Ministry of Education and Culture, meanwhile several PT BHMN inclined that this was determined in the transfer rules in UU PT. IPB as the Chairman of Sekber of PT BHMN would talk together to understand the problem.
  • Operational Aid Fund of PTN. Paragraph 93 clause (3) which stated that the government allocated the operational aid fund of PTN at least 2.5% (two point five per cents) from the budget of educational function still became the objection in the circle of the ministry of education and culture, because it was regarded to bring something to a close, and later it would be difficult if happened the change of strategic environment and policies related to the budget allocation. Likewise with the clause (4) which stated that the operational aid fund of PTN to be meant in the clause (3) which was allocated at least 30% (thirty per cents) for research in the university.
  • Transitional Period at IPB. Hopefully the transitional period at IPB ran well, put in the front of the participatory (approach) in the process of decision making and always delved the best for IPB. (Source: Secretariat of BOT IPB)