LOaDED of IPB Will Facilitate Faculty Members to Develop Their E-Learning Materials

LOaDED of IPB Will Facilitate Faculty Members to Develop Their E-Learning Materials


Learning Object and Distance Education Development Institut Pertanian Bogor  (LOaDED IPB), which was  initiated by PHKI IPB (2008-2010), in collaboration with the Directorate of Studies and Academic Development (DPPA) and the Directorate of Communication and Information System (DKSI) organized  the training course on E -learning, on 5 April 2011. The course was attended by 51 participants from 34 departments within  the University. In this training course the the participants were expected to learn methods to prepare e-learning materials, during which faculty members who undertook online learning activity courses abroad shared their experiences. Faculty members who were invited for the course on preparing materials for learning activities Prof. Dr. Ir. Winiati Puji Rahayu, MS., and Prof. Dr. Agik Suprayogi, and  Learning Management System (LMS) based on Moodle by Loaded IPB and DKSI.

As the follow-up of the course, 7  (seven) participants from 7 (seven) departments were selected to participate on the Intensive Training and the Discussion of Development Subject Contents and Uploading System,  held on 10-24 May 2011,  with the following lecturers,  Ir Sutrisno Koswara, M . Si and Dr. Ferries Kusnandar  from LOaDED, as well as Mr.  Faozan Ahmad S. Si, M. Si from DKSI. The 7 (seven) participants, were Dr. Ir. Galina Idat Permana, M. Sc (Department of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology), Ms. Adriani Sunuddin, S. Pi (Department of Marine Science and Technology), Ms. Tintin Sarianti, SP, MM (Department of Agribussiness), Dr. Ir. Nurheni Wijayanto, MS (Department of Silviculture), Dr. Ir. Ma’mun Sarma, MS, M. Ec (Department of Management), Dr. Suliantari (Department of Food Science and Technology), and Dr. Ir. Yudiwanti W. E. K., MS (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture). The course and the discussion was  carried out at function room of  LOaDED IPB, at the  2nd Floor of PAU Building. At the end of the training the participants were trained how to upload the materials to LMS IPB. The electronic teaching materials will be finalized by the staff in charge, and the process will be  facilitated by LOaDED IPB by intensive meetings and monitoring progress. Intensive training and discussion for the 2nd batch will be conducted in June 2011.

LOaDED IPB provides facilities for lecturers of both the Undergraduate and the  Graduate Studies Programs who are interested in developing and delivering online lectures by  uploading their materials on the LMS IPB. LOaDED IPB is responsible fo the management of  http://tropedu.ipb.ac.id which will be dedicated for the implementation of Bogor Agricultural University’ online learning for domestic and international students, by utilizing  Seafast Center Online classes . LOaDED IPB is under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Susanto, MSc. as Chairman, Ir. Sutrisno Koswara , MSc. Instructional Materials Development Coordinator and Dr. Ir. Ferries Kusnandar, MSc. as a Program Development Coordinator, they were appointed as the Letter of Decision by Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs. Further details on LOaDED IPB, please contact the LOaDED IPB secretariat, PAU Building 2nd floor, contact person:  Arie / Mirza 0251-8422418, e-mail : phki_ipb@yahoo.com, or website http://loaded.ipb.ac.id (Wied).