Primate Research Center (PSSP)

Primate Research Center (PSSP)

Vision :

To become a center of manpower and man sources and technology, and development of policies based upon primate research and concerns for the environment at na tional and international levels.

Mission :

  1. Implemntation of manpower development sciences and technology, and the formulation of development policies based on basic as well as apllied primate research. 
  2. Implementation of conservation (conserve, uti lize and further development) of non-human pri mates including their ecosystem, for the welafre of man kind.
  3. Implementation of continuing cooperation and re search through consistent accountability, pro fes sionality and reliable management systems. 

Divisions :

  1. Primate Conservation
  2. Primate Biology
  3. Biomedicine

Head Office :

drh. Huda S. Darusman, MSi, PhD

Secretary :
Dr.dr. Irma Herawati Suparto, MS

Address :

Jl. Lodaya II/5, Bogor 16151
Phone : 0251-8360712
Fax : 0251-8320417
E-mail :
Website :