Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolutions, Regulation & Policy Analysis and Community Empowerment (CARE)

Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolutions, Regulation & Policy Analysis and Community Empowerment (CARE)

CARE of Bogor Agricultural University is an institution under the Institute for Research and Community Service of Bogor Agricultural University, which was established under the Decree No. Head LPPM IPB. 048/K13.11/OT/2007 and in was approved by the Rector of Bogor Agricultural University No. 091/I3 / OT/2009.


To be a leading conflict management research center in Indonesia, and internationally known for the social welfare of the community.


  1. Design research programs and develop models of dispute of agriculture conflict that include prevention of handling (development planning), conflict resolution alternatives and post-conflict rehabilitation;
  2. Evaluating and planning regulations as well as regional and national policies;
  3. Develop models of empowerment and assistance toward independence and better development

Main competence:

CARE of Bogor Agricultural University is an institution to develop a multidisciplinary approaches in the planning, development, conflict resolution, evaluates the regulatory / public policy, planning, and develop empowerment activities and assistance towards improvement of national development.

The scope of CARE of Bogor Agricultural University activities are as follows:

  1. Development of conflict management in various social strata (both horizontal and vertical conflicts) through ADR approach (advocacy, negotiation, arbitration, mediation, etc.)
  2. Development of comprehensive crises and disaster management in various areas.
  3. Management, development and revitalization of agriculture (crop farming and horticulture, livestock husbandry, fisheries, plantations and forestry) throughout Indonesia.
  4. Assisting local governments in developing regional planning in various sectors.
  5. Monitoring and evaluating (both processes and results) of regional development in various sectors in Indonesia.
  6. Development of political role in community development
  7. Conducting studies and evaluations of public regulations and policies that the regional and central government fabricate.
  8. Conducting studies, monitoring and evaluating the execution of regional autonomy in various areas.
  9. Improvement of poverty management, credit for small and medium enterprises, remote areas and transmigration.
  10. Coordination of empowerment, accompaniment, and extension to citizens in the development process.

Head Office :
Prof.Dr.Ir. Sumardjo, MS

Seceretary :
Ir. Dahri Tanjung, MSi


Gedung Utama Lantai Dasar
Kampus IPB Baranang Siang Bogor 16154
Phone : +62 251 8313384
Fax : +62 251 8313384
E-mail : care@careipb.or.id , info@careipb.org
Website :http://care.ipb.ac.id