Agronomy and Horticulture

Agronomy and Horticulture

Have the expertise of the science and technology of the production of vegetable resources and sustainable management of plant environments.

Center of Excellence
Study program Agronomy and horticulture accredited BANPT with rank A, got ISO 9001:2008 certification and ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance. Competent lecturer and education staff. Most of the lecturer got a competitive research grant and involving semester 8 students in carrying out the research, some lecturer included in innovator that registered in Inovasi Indonesia BIC version, some lecturer produce superior crops and horticulture (rice, corn, chili, potato, papaya, soy, peanuts) varieties. Students can take part in an exchange student in ASEAN International Mobility for Students Programme, working internship in USA coordinated by The Ohio Programme. Student programs under Agronomy Student Association very supportive in students’ soft skill development. One of the activities that held annually is Festival Tanaman. In 2013 that festival recognized as a national activity namely Festival Bunga dan Buah Nusantara coordinated with various government, private, and alumnae and will be Bogor annual agenda. Scholarships consists of government, private, and alumnae.

Private and government plantation, horticulture companies, seed industries, farm product processing, local and foreign private companies, researcher/lecturer, related government institution, banking/finance institution, agriculture consultant, entrepreneur.