Teaching Industry Faculty of Agriculture at IPB University Wins 3rd Place in International Anthurium Plant Contest

Teaching Industry Faculty of Agriculture at IPB University Wins 3rd Place in International Anthurium Plant Contest

Teaching Industry Fakultas Pertanian IPB University Raih Juara 3 Kontes Tanaman Hias Anthurium Internasional

Thousands of ornamental plant enthusiasts eagerly attended the “Anthurium dan Kita #2” event held at Godong Ijo, Depok, West Java (16-18/2). This event was a grand gathering for anthurium enthusiasts, featuring various exciting activities revolving around this popular ornamental plant.

The Teaching Industry Faculty of Agriculture (TI Faperta) at IPB University participated in the exhibition and special anthurium plant contest attended by collectors, breeders, farmers, influencers, artists, and hobbyists from around the world. Participants came from Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, India, and the Philippines. The event, themed Anthurium dan Kita#2, embraced the theme ‘Exploring Anthurium to The Limit’.

Anthurium is a popular ornamental plant known for its diverse shapes, leaf characteristics, and longevity. Originating from America, this plant has many variations with diverse shapes and colors. Anthurium is recognized as an adaptable plant that can thrive in various environmental conditions.

More than 47 ornamental plant booths from various regions in Indonesia enlivened the exhibition. Thousands of anthurium enthusiasts were fascinated by rare and unique types of anthurium, such as Anthurium andraeanum, Anthurium crystallinum, and Anthurium veitchii.

Visitors were also treated to various talk shows and workshops about anthurium. Several experts and practitioners in ornamental plants shared knowledge and tips on anthurium care, propagation, and cultivation.

Throughout the event, TI Faperta, occupying a premium booth, was constantly crowded with visitors. They were very enthusiastic about visiting the TI Faperta booth.

Not only did TI Faperta IPB University delight visitors with its premium booth, but it also showcased its prowess in the ornamental plant contest. With more than 160 participants from various countries competing in six categories, TI Faperta IPB University successfully secured 3rd place in the Anthurium Mix Variegata category.

This achievement is even more remarkable with three other plants from TI Faperta IPB University making it into the top 10 in other categories. Prof Awang Maharijaya, as the head of TI Faperta IPB University, personally received the award.

“Our participation in this event has successfully served as a means to introduce TI Faperta and IPB University, while also strengthening IPB University’s position in efforts to develop and promote the ornamental plant industry in Indonesia,” he said.

He hopes that this achievement will also motivate TI Faperta IPB University to continue to develop itself. “With TI Faperta’s successive achievements in several recent contests, it also shows that IPB University is ready to be a trendsetter in the development of ornamental plants in the future,” he concluded. (IAAS/Hap)