IPB University Holds National Seminar on Palm Oil for Advanced Biomaterials

IPB University Holds National Seminar on Palm Oil for Advanced Biomaterials


For two days (14-15/6), IPB University’s Palm Oil Study Centre held a National Seminar and Workshop on ‘Palm Oil for Advanced Biomaterials’ at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor.

This activity is a national discussion forum attended by lecturers, university researchers, the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN), manufacturing industry practitioners, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), start-up companies, students, farmer groups, Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), community empowerment institutions in the circumference of oil palm plantation villages.

Prof Agus Purwito, Secretary of IPB University appreciated the national seminar and workshop. According to him, IPB University is very interested in the development of advanced materials. “We need to know together that this advanced material can come from the sea or from the Indonesian seabed,” he said.

He added, Indonesia as a tropical country with a variety of plants, is a source of advanced materials that are needed for human life in the future.

“Palm oil is a superior commodity for Indonesia which is very significant in increasing the prosperity of the Indonesian people,” said Prof Agus.

This was also supported by Prof Budi Mulyanto as Head of the Palm Oil Study Centre of IPB University who hoped that through this activity, the palm oil function could continue to contribute to the development of the national palm oil industry. This is expected to also have an impact on the development of competent human resources. “In the end, it can also contribute significantly to the development of the role of palm oil for the sustainability of Indonesia’s development and prosperity.”

Dr Siti Nikmatin is one of IPB University’s lecturers who is currently focusing on palm oil research. Her research relates to the utilisation of oil palm empty fruit bunch (tankos) biomass to make an advanced biomaterial product.

“IBP University’s Palm Oil Study Centre is very supportive of all needs related to research from upstream to commercialisation of the use of oil palm for advanced biomaterials,” added Dr Siti Nikmatin who is also the chief executive of this activity.

On that occasion, Ir Didik Prasetyo, MH, Director of PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) VIII said that his party has been establishing a cooperative relationship with a number of universities, one of which is IPB University. PTPN VIII is committed to fully supporting palm oil research activities conducted by IPB University, he said.

“We have also collaborated in several activities, one of which is research on the raw material for helmets from tankos, then the raw material for bulletproof vests is also from tankos and long fibre. We fully support that,” he said.

In addition to Ir Didik Prasetyo, MH, the speakers who also gave presentations were Dr Tony Liwang (Research and Development Committee of the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency/BPDPKS), Rapolo Hutabarat (Head of Agro Industry of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association/GAPKI)), Edi Rivai (Director of PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk), Yudi Hidayat, ST (Manager of PT PLN Indonesia Power), Prof Mochamad Chalid (Researcher of Metallurgy and Material Engineering University of Indonesia), Dr Rike Yudianti (BRIN Researcher). The activity was guided by two moderators from IPB University namely, Dr Suwardi (Lecturer of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources) and Dr Nyoto Santoso (Head of the Department of Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism). (Ns/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)