IPB Students Win Two Competitions in the National Land Student Scientific Week

IPB Students Win Two Competitions in the National Land Student Scientific Week


Student of IPB University, Muhammad Hayyu Muhabbah along with Muhammad Fadhil Rahadiansyah won two championships at the National Land Student Scientific Week (Pilmitanas) held in Kendari on 28 April-3 May 2019. The race was won by Champion 2 Soil  Judging Competition and 3rd Winner Quiz.

In the Soil Judging Competition, which won 2nd place, Hayyu and Fadhil along with Ira Hayu.  While in the Quiz competition which won 3rd place, Hayyu and Fadhil together with Muhammad Samsul Arifin, all of them came from the Land Resources Management Department, Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB.

Pilmitanas is a meeting place for Indonesian soil science students held every two years.  In this activity there were several competitions in the academic field between universities, namely scientific writing competitions, posters, quizzes, short films, and soil judging contest, involving 13 campuses from all over Indonesia.

 As for this year it was held in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Haluoleo University as the host.

"The most challenging competition in my opinion is the Soil Judging Contest.  The profile of the excavated land must be described by the participants with technical and good and correct stages.  Given the type of soil, geomorphology, host rock, and different land-forming factors from the land in Java, of course this is a challenge.  Not only describing and determining the type of land, but participants are also required to determine the evaluation of land for the five types of commodities that have been determined by the committee, "explained Hayyu.

In the quiz competition, one team consists of three people and there are three stages.  The first stage is the stage of working on 50 questions about soil science and fokushimiti.  From this stage three teams with the highest scores will be taken.  The IPB team ranked 2. The next stage after three teams were filtered, each team was given three description questions which were given two minutes to discuss.  The last stage is the ten-point struggle, the second and third stage values ??will be accumulated.

This competition is the first quiz competition for Hayyu and other colleagues.  "What is sure to be very positive is especially the first time I have participated in this kind of race.  Three large campuses (IPB, Padjdjaran University (Unpad), and UGM (Gadjah Mada University) compete very tightly, "Hayyu said.

Hayyu and his colleagues hope that in the upcoming competition IPB can become the overall champion.  "Hopefully IPB will continue to support its students to achieve in both national level and international level," he hoped.  (SMH)