IPB Rebranding: Dozens of Officials Discuss Research’s Result

IPB Rebranding: Dozens of Officials Discuss Research’s Result


Dozens of officials in scope of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) attended Presentation of The Result of IPB Rebranding Research which delivered by Dr. Amalia E. Maulana from Etnomark, Tuesday (16/10) at IPB Dramaga Campus. “This result is qualitative and open to receive suggestions. We conducted this research by straightly going to the field to obtain data, information and documentation from various circles included IPB’s board of directors, teaching staff, students, new student candidates, student’s and non-student’s parents, dormitory managers, teachers, tutoring (bimbel) management, recruiters both private corporate and government institutions, and others who represent all IPB’s stakeholders,” explained Dr. Amalia. This IPB alumni also conveyed proposed recommendations related to IPB rebranding.

Secretary of Institute, Dr. Ir. Aceng Hidayat, MT said that rebranding is an effort to re-package IPB’s excellencies to be competitive in higher education sector and to improve positive image of IPB, so the clients, from new student candidates, partners, private parties and alumni, will be more interested in choosing IPB. “Rebranding requires collaboration from all parties, I hope today there will be many suggestions from all of you to complement the result of this research that was conducted by rebranding team,” said Dr. Aceng. (qa)