IPB Holds a National Table Tennis Championship

IPB Holds a National Table Tennis Championship


In order to celebrate the 55th Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Anniversary, IPB Table Tennis Club (UKM) held a National Table Tennis Championship. This championship was the 7th table tennis championship held by the IPB Table Tennis UKM. The championship in collaboration with the Indonesian Table Tennis Association (PTMSI) of West Java Province and PTMSI Kota and Bogor Regency took place on September 14-16 2018 at the IPB Gymnasium.

This year's table tennis championship was attended by 717 participants from various regions throughout Indonesia. Of the 717 participants divided into eight categories namelymale students and female students, lecturers/students/educational staff/alumni, 2nd and 3rd division, 5th and 6th divisions, and junior men and women, as well as executives.

"Currently there are only eight categories competed. Hopefully our upcoming championship (committee) can add new categories so that participants can be more and more lively,"said the Chief Executive, Nanda Pamungkas.

The championship this time consists of four rounds of play, namely qualifying, quarter-finals, semifinals, and finals. From each category, three champions will be awarded.

"Hopefully, through this table tennis championship, there will be excellent seeds that will bring the nation's name to prominence through table tennis," said the Rector of IPB, Dr. Arif Satria in his speech.

Dr. Arif Satria also hopes that the championship in the following year can include more participants and can add more competition category. He also hopes, through this table tennis championship, it can help advance the achievements of the table tennis players in the country.

This year's table tennis championship was symbolically opened by the Rector of IPB, Dr. Arif Satria by hitting the gong. Not only symbolically opened the table tennis championship, Dr. Arif Satria also played table tennis against PTMSI West Java Province. In the game, Dr. Arif turned out to be able to equal for the game of Ruhyandi (PTMSI West Java).

"Congratulations to IPB for holding the seventh tennis championship. "Hopefully the next year's championship can be added to junior level and elementary level cadets," said Ruhyandi.

According to him, in addition to being an effort to attract high-quality seeds, junior and cadet categories can add to the excitement of the table tennis championships in the coming year. He said, with the addition of junior and cadet categories, their parents would definitely accompany their children so that the table tennis championship could be even more lively. (FM)