Increasing the Number of Scopus Indexed Scientific Publications, LPPM IPB Holds Publiexpo 2018

Increasing the Number of Scopus Indexed Scientific Publications, LPPM IPB Holds Publiexpo 2018


Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Bogor Agriculture University (IPB) held Publiexpo 2018. This activity is a series of Publiweek, with the theme "Together We Improve the Quality and Quantity of IPB Scientific Publications”, on Thursday (27/9) in Graha Widya Building Graduation, Dramaga Bogor IPB Campus.

The purpose of this Publiexpo activity is to introduce journals in IPB and journals in Indonesia indexed by Scopus, so that lecturers, researchers, and students are more familiar with these journals, especially the journals in IPB and become the next targets of publications. For journal managers, this activity is a media campaign to introduce and to increase interest in their journals.

Vice Rector for Collaboration and Information Systems of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, M.Sc.F said, this activity was very important and good, because only then there was a Publiweek activity held in IPB, specifically there was an expo for publication to introduce journals in IPB and universities in Indonesia. "This is a very good step for IPB, to share and encourage increased publications in Indonesia specifically at IPB," said Prof. Dodik.

In addition, Prof. Dodik said, "Scientific publications are intellectual expressions that need to be shared with the public and important things that are always discussed. Publications must be done not only to pursue higher rankings but to provide a platform to share knowledge contained in a well-reputed and well-known journal such as Scopus," said Prof. Dodik.

The hope is that there will be many worthy and quality writings in Indonesia and IPB that can be uploaded in good scientific journals such as Scopus. IPB itself targets every year there is an addition to a journal indexed by Scopus.

Deputy Head of IPB LPPM for Strategic Studies and Scientific Publications, Dr. Eva Anggraeni said that IPB's LPPM here wants to spread the spirit of publication, besides that it also encourages scientific publications by sharing ways that can excite the spirit of publications in IPB. "One of them is capacity building in managing journals which is an important one, which must be thoroughly pursued regularly. This publiexpo is also in order to bring together producers and consumers in terms of publication. Lecturers and students as producers who produce works to better understand the intended journal, and journals as a place or container for pouring publications," said Dr. Eva.

Dr. Eva added, "The publications indexed by Scopus are one of the good measures for publication, and the number of our journals indexed by Scopus is very small, meaning that many of our writers are sending written texts to be published in journals published abroad. Actually, the aspect to be published in foreign journals is valued very high. This means how much money in Indonesia fled abroad only for publication. This is a concern and thought of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). We have a target of how Indonesia also has quality journals and is able to accommodate articles that are domestically weighted and absorb the flow of articles from abroad."

According to Dr. Eva journal publications also increase the popularity of Indonesia and increase the popularity of universities in Indonesia, so that it will flow like an economic flow, there are funds flowing from the publication. "So there are a lot of effects or multiplier effects from this publication. For this reason, we are obliged to increase the capacity of journals in Indonesia, especially in IPB to become targets to be worked on. Hopefully, this event will benefit IPB academics and society in general. "

This activity was enlivened by 30 booths from journals at IPB, and universities in Indonesia such as the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Indonesian Education University (UPI) and SEAMEO Biotrop. (RYS)