Akuaflok, Technology Utilization of Tilapia Fish Waste by IPB Students

Akuaflok, Technology Utilization of Tilapia Fish Waste by IPB Students


"We want the cost of fish to be suppressed," said Nuralim, Head of PKM Research of Akuaflok.

Starting from the concerns about the unavailability of the dissolved component of tilapia cultivation, three Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) students who joined in one of the Student Creativity Research Program (PKM-Research) offer solute innovation to utilize tilapia waste in realizing "zero waste "through Akuaflok (Akuaponik Bioflok).

Akuaflok is an innovative technology that combines the culture of aquatic organisms and hydroponic production plants combined with biofloc technology in an effort to reduce Nitrogen (N) waste in aquaculture.

They are Nuralim Paturakhman, Justi Herdy, Ayu Khairani, students of the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) under the guidance of Dr. Julie Ekasari, SPi, MSi.

Nuralim, Chairman of PKM Bioflok revealed that the innovation of tilapia waste utilization because they see the utilization of bioflok for tilapia is still rare. "From there we need a good handling of cultivation waste and we want to increase the harvest, so that not only fish consumption but can produce vegetable crops from the results of its laponik," added Nuralim.

Nuralim said, "The bioflock technology that we apply has its own uniqueness because it can decrease the cost of feed for fish, can be cultivated in narrow area, save water because its container is controlled, and fish harvesting can be faster than usual which is about three months," he explained. Nuralim also explained that another benefit of using this Akuaflok is that it can obtain crops in the form of aquaponic vegetables.

Through this Akuaflok innovation, Nuralim and two colleagues obtained funding from Kemenristekdikti to carry out the research. "Thank God for sure, Insha Allah we are determined to run this mandate well In the future we hope that this innovation can be introduced to the community and disseminated," said Nuralim. (jhn)