Rector Inaugurated 51 New Officials of IPB

Rector Inaugurated 51 New Officials of IPB


Rector of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Dr. Arif Satria, inaugurated 51 new officials in IPB (2/3), at Auditorium of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor. The rector congratulated 52 officers who were inaugurated for the new position held.

To the department head inaugurated, the Rector requested them to carry out the task of assisting the dean and vice dean in planning, implementing and controlling the quality of Tridharma Higher Education activities in accordance with the mandate and scope of certain subject.

Furthermore, to all newly appointed officials, the rector advised them to be a role model for all as leaders. The Rector said the great leaders will continue to be better role models. Nowadays people prefer to be invited to learn and work together rather than just listening and being taught. A good leader is a leader who can emerge a hope for his followers. With the hope that grows in the heart, so there will be movement to perform a real action in order to realize a hope becomes a reality.

"The last test of a leader is to pass the conviction and the willingness to move forward to the people he leads. With the effort and the common goal, all our heart and dedication, let’s answer the historical urges and challenges of the times to bring IPB to a glorious future, "said the rector. (TK)