IPB’s Experts Teach Coral Transplantation in Banda and Kapoposang Monday, December 22, 2014

IPB’s Experts Teach Coral Transplantation in Banda and Kapoposang Monday, December 22, 2014


Coral transplantation was first tested by LIPI, AKKII, and IPB in 1996 -2000. There have been many studies conducted by IPB on coral transplantation. Nearly 20 years of research and development of coral transplants in Indonesia has been carried out, mostly in the Thousand Islands.

IPB's coral reef expert Dr. Hawis Madduppa and Beginer Subhan, M.Si are the resource person in the teaching of coral transplantation to those managing and the residents of the Aquatic Park of Banda Sea and Kapoposang. The activity was carried out by the Office of the National Water Conservation (BKKPN), Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) on 2-5 December 2014 on Kapoposang island and 9 to 11 December 2014 on Bandanaira Island.

Participants (fishermen and the general public) were goven direct experience in practicing the coral transplantation, starting from the selection of seeds, seed preparation, installation, transportation from seedling location, and planting on substrates.

On that occasion also presented were the history of the development in Indonesia transplantation, transplanting method for ecosystem rehabilitation and presentation of successful and less successful stories (movies) of transplantation activities in the Thousand islands.(Mtd)