Local Government of Bone Bolango, Gorontalo Visits Posdaya (Family Empowerment Pos) of Bubulak and Ciherang Monday, May 26, 2014

Local Government of Bone Bolango, Gorontalo Visits Posdaya (Family Empowerment Pos) of Bubulak and Ciherang Monday, May 26, 2014

Chairman and staff of Family Empowerment Post (Posdaya) ‘Sejahtera’ of Bubulak Village, West Bogor District, Bogor Town, performed a simulated monthly meeting of Posdaya in front of the expert staff of Bone Bolango Regent of Gorontalo province, some SKPDs, and 18 District Chiefs in Bone Bolango Regency, Friday (23/5). Despite the presence of officials, the cadres dominated by women looked confident in welcoming the participants of the 66th Observation Study Tour (OST) in their hometown.
This OST was originally initiated by Damandiri Foundation and Centre for Human Resources Development in the Institute of Research and Community Service (P2SDM-LPPM), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Earlier, the OST participants visited the Center for Bags Manufacture, Adolescent Counseling Information Center (PIK-R) ‘Batiec’, and Early Childhood Education (PAUD) ‘Pelangi’.
The OST group leader, also an expert staff of Bone Bolango Regent, Sahrul Malapu, admitted being impressed by the spirit of mutual cooperation and togetherness among the people of Bubulak Village. He said, when the residents as members of Posdaya Sejahtera have been doing a lot of things, those of Bone Bolango are still studying the concept. In this Posdaya, the participants had the opportunity to taste and at the same time bought a lot of products; drinks and candied nutmeg, the flagships of the Posdaya led by Madsai.
After performing the Friday prayer at the mosque Al-Hurriyyah, Dramaga campus of IPB, the group accompanied the researchers of P2SDM, Ir Yannefri Bachtiar, M.Si, and Ir. Mintarti, M.Si, continued to visit Posdaya Sauyunan in Ciherang Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency. (Mtd)