IPB is the Champion of KPKM 2013

IPB is the Champion of KPKM 2013


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) was back to incise the achievement by reaching the first and second championships in the Critical Thinking Student Competition (KPKM) 2013, People’s Welfare, organized by Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of High Education Ministry of Education and Culture of RI (DITBELMAWA- DIKTI).


The first championship was reached by the Students of Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB, with the title of “Sistem Kultur Mikro Alga Laut Terpadu untuk Mengatasi Krisis Energi dan Krisis Pangan di Pulau-Pulau Kecil dan Terluar Indonesia / Culture System Integrated Marine Micro Algae to Handle the Energy Crisis and the Food Crisis in Small Islands and Outermost Indonesia”. This team consisted of Khaisar Akhir, Handoko Dian Aditya, and Tegar J. Riyadi.


Meanwhile, the second championship was reached by the Students of Department of Aquatic Product Technology, FPIK IPB, with the title of “Model Kebijakan Perubahan Swasembada Gula Rakyat Berafinasi Tinggi Berbasis Bioteknologi Mikroba Laut Simbion / Change Policy Model of Self-sufficiency of People Sugar with High Afinasi Based on Microbial Biotechnology of Simbion Sea”. This team consisted of Bayu Irianto and Prisca Sari Paramaditha.


 “This is very outstanding. Though we send three candidates compared to other universities, the two teams succeed to become the winners. Meaning that the quality which we send is good,” said the Director of Student Affairs of IPB, Dr. Rinekso Soekmadi, M.ScF, Tuesday (24/9) in Campus of IPB Dramaga, Bogor. According to him, This kind of event should be able to push the young generation, mainly the students in increasing the critical thought, especially in seeking the solution for agricultural problems. “For the future the students’ critical thoughts will be continuously pushed, recalling the agricultural problems to be increasingly complex,” said Dr. Rinekso. He also commited that he would push the student guidance of IPB to keep producing the students who were critical and achieved. (man)