Around 150 New Students of IPB Participate in Cooking Demonstration Using Husk Furnace

Around 150 New Students of IPB Participate in Cooking Demonstration Using Husk Furnace


About 150 new students Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) participated in the cooking demonstrations using husk furnace or stove on Friday (8 / 10) at IPB Campus Darmaga. "This activity was initiated by the offer from Mr. Irzaman as a teaching staff of General Physics courses for the Joint Preparation Program (TPB) of IPB to new students new to demonstrate cooking with the use of husk furnace. Many students were interested because they did not know what the husk is like. Most students come from urban areas. After an explanation, they wanted to participate in cooking by using husk furnace," said the Class Chairman of Mechanical Engineering and Biosystem, Batch 47, Alfin Hafidunandar.

The idea of using rice husks as fuel, said Alfin, is very good, especially if it can be applied in the villages. "I want to apply it as well later in my village. In Jombang, rice husks are still often thrown away and simply burned alongside the road. If you know it can be used like this, it is also good for the people there (in the villages)," said Alfin.

Husk stove research has been done since 1998, and currently the research team of IPB coordinated by Dr. Irzaman intensively campaign the use of rice husk stove to all parties. "We have just socialized it to South Sumatra. In the future we are planning to apply it in Gorontalo, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Socializations to the local governments will be synchronized with the activities of Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB," said Dr. Irzaman.

The cooking demonstration is to socialize rice husk stove to new students. "What is impressing is their motivation and enthusiasm to take part in the cooking demonstration. All of these activities are funded solely by the students. They buy and provide their own materials. They are even willing to disseminate to their respective regions. Every year we plan to do this to the students of TPB IPB," said Dr. Irzaman.

The result of the recent research on rice husk stove by the team managed to use the fire from the stove husk to burn the raw materials of oyster mushrooms. The soot from the burning of rice husk furnace can be capitated (mixing water and oil) as a raw material for capitation stove. "We collect the soot from the furnace and capitate it for the fuel of the capitation stoves that we are studying. Its carbon is not a disadvantage but a blessing for us," continued Dr.Irzaman. Another recent study, rice husk charcoal from the burning furnace has been successfully extracted into silicon, whose price is quite promising. In industry, silicon is the raw material of various electronic devices. Dr. Irzaman hopes the rice husk stove would became the mainstay products of the IPB. (mtd)